Chapter 18: Journey West II

Start from the beginning

"Your style of drawing is very unique."

As the meeting took place, I started taking notes to retain attention. However, the lines of words turned into chibi drawings of Li Runze with devil horns.

"It's nothing," I laughed.

"Maybe we can paint together sometimes?"

"I mean my drawing skills are nothing compared to yours. Your paintings of nature and human culture are described to be vibrant and life like."

"Did Lord Li tell you this?" A shy smile spread across her face.

At this point, she is already falling for Li Runze but denies it. I've only read about her exquisite paintings.

"Um, yeah. He told me. Excuse me, I have to get going."

I spotted Li Runze leaving the group. Walking underneath the outdoor hallway with columns elevating roof tiles, he entered a different building behind a garden.

That must be his study.

Gulping, I quickened my steps to the closed door. Taking advantage of my sudden courage, I pushed it open. The soft squeak ceased when the door swiveled back slightly.

"Ah!" I screamed, unable to turn away. "Sorry!"

"Get out!" Li Runze's reddened face exploded with vociferous yelling.

"I'm so sorry!" Running away, I felt my face get hot with shame. I completely forgot to close the door for Li Runze.

I followed Li Runze to his room, not his study! What is wrong with me?!

What I saw... Oh goodness. The size... small little brother I saw you not yet in your prime!

"Best to avoid him for now... I'll talk to him later. A long time later." I shivered with chills slithering down my spine. The memory of his manhood was embalmed onto my eyelids.

The next meeting I could barely think straight. I couldn't look at Li Runze at all. We were departing in a few days, and I could not even hold a conversation with my boss.

I'm so embarrassed!

When it should have been Li Runze who was embarrassed beyond redemption, but he continued leading meetings as usual.

"Oh, what am I drawing?!"

Quickly scribbling the drawing, I realized I was unconsciously drawing the image I would never be able to forget.

"Are you listening, Hong Liumeng?"

"Huh?! What?" My attention was called upon the man I could not face. Averting my eyes, I looked at the ground to avoid his menacing stare.

"Are you even paying attention to duties I've delegated to our team?" His voice sternly lectured.

"Um, can you repeat?" Cowering, I placed the brush over my journal to write down his tasks.

"Forget it... Just don't create any annoying troubles for the trip. You may not take this seriously, but it is important to the royal family."

Of course, it's a serious thing. I might die!

I cleared my throat, "Sorry...."

Li Runze was already leaving the main hall. My apology not reaching him one bit.

"Um, hey. Li Runze?" I quickly cleared my things and rushed after him.

His steps finally halted when we reached the modern, rose garden with a ivory water fountain.

Gosh, he really likes western decor.

"Why are you following me?" Irked, he turned around to face me.

"I kept calling your name, and you didn't respond. So I followed you."

"What do you want?" He gritted through his teeth.

"I'm- Are you mad at me?" I asked.

He sighed, crossing his arms.

He's always mad at me. What a dumb question to ask!

"Look, for all that's happened, I'm really sorry. Really sorry. I'll kneel, I don't care about pride." My legs gave out and I fell to the ground.

Li Runze backed away, appearing disgusted. "What are you doing? Get up!"

His eyes shifted left and right, afraid someone was going to spot us. And he wouldn't be able to explain why the Demon Hong Liumeng was kowtowing to him without it looking extremely improper.

"I'm sorry I saw your naked, lower half! It wasn't meant for my eyes. Also very sorry for kissing you."

"I said get up!" He pulled me up by my arm, leading me away from the garden.

Inside his room, he released his hold on me and closed the door. My heart was pounding ridiculously fast. What was he going to do now?

"Hong Liumeng..."

"Y- Yes?"

"What do you want?" He walked past me and sat down at the table in the center of the room. His hand gripping around a porcelain cup as he poured himself some water.

"Li Runze, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Just stop." He held his palm up to silence me. "Stop apologizing. I'm over it."

I nodded. "Ok, um. Since we are departing in a few days, do you think I could bring Wen Lu along? She won't be an issue! You know her? She gets along with people, is nice and smart. Plus, she knows Liu Ying and they are good friends."

"This expedition... isn't a trip for pleasure. Not for you to bring your concubine nor half of your servants to amuse yourself. It is work." He shut me down coldly.

"Understood, understood." Feeling dejected, I hung my head low. It would have been nice to bring Wen Lu with me. A kind face among the sea of Li Runze's crew.

"However-" Runze started speaking again, and I perked up.

"I'll allow it. As long as you two understand it won't be a vacation. Wen Lu is a likeable girl unlike someone..."

Ignoring his last few words, I bowed. "Thank you! Thank you! She's going to be so happy. You've made us so happy. Next time we kiss I'll definitely ask for your permission!"

"There's going to be a next time?" He scowled frantically.

"Sorry, sorry! There definitely won't be a next time. I'll leave you then."

I bowed once more and exit his room. Not a thought about Li Runze ran through my mind. His anger, his wrath. Only joy that I would have Wen Lu's warmth along this trip.

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