Part 6.

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I woke up the next day with a groan as my alarm set for 5:30 filled my ears

I rolled out of bed going over to one of the bags I had full of stuff

I grabbed my toothpaste toothbrush body wash and shampoo heading to the bathroom

I hadn't had a shower in a few days so I settled for having one now

After a refreshing shower I changed into my black Jeans and a white hoodie going over to the sink brushing my teeth

I left my hair wet so it would air dry and be fluffy again as it had been losing its layers recently

I left the bathroom it being around 5:45 heading over to grab a bag of things getting stuff out

I put the red comforter at the end of my bed and the pillow cases on

I headed over to my desk putting my art supplies in there along with the some text books that Wilbur got for me Into a drawer then I stacked my books up onto the shelf above my bed

I finished off the last bags my room finally looking cluttered enough to be mine

Something not many people have seen about me is my artsy side, it was one of the things that kept me going in the children's home

I opened the door to my room heading out my hood up to avoid getting cold

I headed to the kitchen grabbing a glass going to the fridge to get some apple juice

I winded up back in my room after that, not knowing what to do with myself where no one was awake

I ended up powering my pc on plugging my earphones into it as to not disturb anyone

I loaded up YouTube having a look through some things

I then got curious typing..
🔍 Phi-
Philza minecraft
Philza minecraft videos
Philza hardcore world
Philza creator of minecraft

I decided on the the top search seeing the page load as Phil covered my screen

I looked at the amount of subscribers he had going on the channel scrolling down seeing Wilbur Soot TechnoBlade and many more channels pop up

I subscribed to all of them before hearing a commotion outside

I quickly shot up going to the door opening it going into the corridor

'Hey Phil' I heard someone say turning the corner heading down the stairs

Techno sat on the sofa fully dressed Wilbur sat in the kitchen still in his red tartan pyjama bottoms and a grey shirt

I sat at the bottom of the stairs As a random group of people began to enter

Wilbur turned around and got up giving the first person a hug soon followed by techno

'I'm going to go get changed quick be back out in a minute' Wilbur said heading to his room saying hey to me as he went past

I got up and went back upstairs going to get my phone along with drying my hair fully now

I went back down stairs seeing the new people had settled down in the living room

Wilbur came back down stairs joining the rest of us dressed now

I attempted to avoid contact going to get a carton of juice but as I was about to leave Phil called me over

'Tommy mate come sit' I nodded heading over finally looking at the people sat around

Techno Phil a tall person with nice hair and another person sat on the floor who I couldn't see

'Tommy this is Eret and-'

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