CH 122 - 123

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Chapter 122: Deciding the route and Yan Mo's experiments

    Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan talked about the various possible things with Yuan Ji Tribe before reaching the valley.

    Yan Mo has a small appetite. He only wants some slaves to increase Jiu Yuan population, but Yuan Zhan wants to take the opportunity to swallow the entire tribe.

    At the beginning, Yan Mo was also scared by Yuan Zhan's appetite. He felt that this guy was a bit unrealistic, but after hearing all the other person's thoughts, he didn't say anything, but he had to admit that people thoughts and way of solving things are really different. Even if Yuan Zhan received little education and received some knowledge, he did not have much different in terms of thinking.

    It seems that the origins of many founding emperors in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history were not very good, and there are many big presidents in modern times who have no culture but are mixed up. Some people always seem to be able to look and think farther than others, go faster than others, pay attention to things that others have not noticed, and think about what others have not thought of.

    Yan Mo recognizes that Yuan Zhan's ideas were working, and that both Jiu Yuan and he are in good hands if they face a problem.

    If the people of Yuan Ji Tribe are willing to go with them, how can they bring so many people back to Jiu Yuan?

    Tiangui Mountain is located in the southwest of Yuan Ji Tribe. If they walk all the way to the southwest, they will reach the foot of TianguiMountain safely, but how can they climb the cliff of nearly two kilometersheight?

    Yan Mo thought of Article 3 of The Guide, the Article of geography and hydrology

    Long before Article 3 of The Guide was activated, he was eager to have a map of the world.

    However, The Guide told him that the map can be opened not only by adding SCUM VALUE, but also by that he needs to meet some necessary conditions, and the conditions for different parts of the map are different. For example, he wants to know the overall terrain of his continent, etc., he must lose 100,000 SCUM VALUE points

    However, he is not unable to use Article 3 at present, in which a non-biological guide such as minerals part can be used. In addition, he can exchange a simple map of one million square kilometers within his own center for the cost of +50 SCUM VALUE.

    Although the five minor punishments were painful, but he could exchange a simple map of one million square kilometers, Yan Mo still felt it was very cost-effective.

    Moreover, the map scale can be zoomed in and out, which is convenient to use.

    After Yan Mo got the map, he took about five seconds, then he turned to see Yuan Zhan.

    After five seconds, Yan Mo decided to leave more room for himself. Without a map, he can be mad and walk to the end of the world. With the map, the guy is still not on the land!

    At the beginning, he said the route of travel. Others didn't know. Yuan Zhan first asked him with a playful look: Is this the teaching of the ancestors' dreams?

    Yan Mo nodded calmly. Anything unsolvable is pushed to the ancestors.

    “We have to enter the Black Forest." After a moment of silence, Zheng cautiously spoke.

    “People who have entered the Black Forest on the grasslands mostly end up dead. Few people know what is in the Black Forest.” Zhang continued: “When the various ethnic groups get to trade, there will be news of the black forests brought by some tourists and savages. However, they don't talk much, and they have never entered the depths of the Black Forest. They only go to the edge of the Black Forest to find food and firewood when they have nothing to eat in winter."

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