| 23 | Scarlet Cloud

Start from the beginning

"Bakugou!" Kirishima yelled through the loud beep in the blond's ears. Katsuki heard his own heart like a drum and wasn't able to see through the cold darkness that laid before his eyes. The drumming seemed to get louder with every second while he yelled the same word in his mind over and over.

Deku! Deku! Deku! Deku! Deku!

To the point it went together with the beat of his heart. Even though the drumming kept getting louder his ears started to pick up more sounds. It seemed like the redhead's voice and the deep one of the other.

Why weren't Katsuki's eyes working? Wasn't he supposed to protect his people?

It's like All For One was right all along. Suddenly colors blinded his vision and made him blink for clearer sight, which didn't seem to help. He saw a dark cloud of dark blue and black smoke entangled with a bright red one.

Katsuki forced his arms to pull him up, but trembled in the process. The dark cloud moved so fast and seemed take up his whole vision in seconds. Up to the point the scarlet bright light disappeared and Katsuki seemed to lose focus in the dark again.

Where did the red light go?

Katsuki's eyes hastily searched for the scarlet light that seemed to pull him out of the darkness he couldn't escape. When he spotted the bright cloud next to him on the floor, it fused with bright pink. Katsuki thought he could hear crying, which made him force his head up harder. When he had a better vision of the colors, he noticed the pink cloud had hazel dots surrounded by black pools.

Was she crying?

Just when Katsuki's hearing seemed to work the other man started yelling through the room, which made Katsuki cover his ears harshly in pain.

"So don't you try and stop me!" ehoed through the silent room of scared people. Katsuki could almost swear to hear pure silence except for the growing sobs of the pink cloud. "Cause this is what happens" the darker cloud yelled as the scarlet one stopped moving.

Katsuki who had noticed the black dots forming in the colored clouds shaping everyone's eyes looked right at the person who that didn't happen to. The eyeless man held the bloody knife in the air and stared with an angry scarred face at the half conscious blond on the ground.

"So how did it feel?" he asked while cocking his head to the side as if he was genuinly curious and expected an answer. "killing my family?" he continued as if he had to make clear what he was talking about

The room filled with a terrifying silence of emptiness that felt like it was supposed to fill with Katsuki's answer. "I hope for you that it felt as good as I'm gonna feel doing this!" All For One screamed angrily as he planted the knife into Katsuki's flesh.


The music echoed in Izuku's ears as he sadly watched the doors close after Kacchan's disappearance with Kirishima. "How am I supposed to dance now?" he mumbled to himself disappointedly before he made his way off the dancefloor towards the purple bar to greet Momo.

"Well hello, you look amazing in that dress" Momo complimented happily while making Izuku spin to admire her work. "I wonder who made that" she spoke sarcastically, without the big smile on her face fading for even a second.

Izuku chuckled "I'll tell her!" he played his role "She's amazing!" he complimented the woman back, which seemed to catch her off guard. He grabbed one of the drinks of the counter as he looked at Momo's bright smile that seemed like it hadn't changed since the day he first saw it.

It was like all the bad things in between didn't happen, maybe he could do that too. Just act as if nothing happened, then maybe things could really go back to normal.

"Tomorrow we'll start fitting" Momo exclaimed with obvious excitement to start creating. Izuku nodded, although he didn't get why Momo was more excited than before. Maybe she had just missed making dresses with him, Izuku thought to himself while puting the glass to his mouth.

"Since the wedding is in a few days, we better start" Momo continued with the same excitement radiating off of her face. Izuku choked on the liquid in his mouth and immediately followed up by coughing viciously. Momo looked up and down with the smile fading making place for a horrified expression.

"You're dress, Izuku!" she almost screamed in panick. Izuku looked down at the almost clear stains he had made and pushed down some giggles when seeing how serious Momo took this.

"Are you okay?" she asked with a concerned face while hastily taking some tissues off of the counter and then started to dipp them on the stains. Izuku nodded trying to reassure the blackhaired woman, which didn't seem to work. "We'll get you some new clothes" she spoke and pushed him in front of her as a shield and started walking to the door behind the bar.

Momo seemed confused, because of Izuku's sudden shock. She probably didn't realize why Izuku had reacted that way, but it didn't really matter. This was between Kacchan and him, so he promised himself to talk to the blond about the wedding.

Izuku realized he had been putting off the conversation for a reason he couldn't really figure out. "Weird" he mumbled to himself as he felt Momo's arm pushing him further down the hallway. Suddenly he felt his cheeks heat up and could tell without looking his cheeks were scarlet red. It was as if he had just realized that particular reason.

"Maybe I do want to marry him"

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