| 15 | Sharp Glass

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Shouting and crying screams filled the room. When the little boy heard his mom crying he ran to the kitchen. He turned around the corner and tears filled his eyes. He started running over to the raging man, like it would make a difference. Pale hands grabbed empty air as the eleven year old boy fell on the ground due to his stumbling. He lifted up his little head and stared up at the tall man, that hadn't even noticed him coming in. Without hesitation he grabbed on to his father's ankles and started pulling desperately hoping to get his attention.

So that he would stop hitting the thin crying woman underneath him, but when he got what he asked for, he wished he had never touched those ankles. When the man turned around he had a smashed bottle of liquor in his hand and eyes filled with rage. Tomura held his breath.

What did he do?


Izuku was left alone with his wet face on the bed, as he heard Shigaraki leave. He waited a few minutes to catch his breath and then immediately left the room as silentely as he could. He came into a long wooden hall and just started running.

What was this place? Shigaraki didn't live here. That Izuku knew for sure. The pale man had always enjoyed showing pictures and making the greenette uncomfortable. So where did he get this place? Had he been planning to take Izuku with him all along?

So many questions, but no time. So Izuku ran further and without really knowing what he was doing, he opened the first door he could find and got in. It wasn't easy with his hands tied behind his back, but he managed. It wouldn't take long for Shigaraki to figure out he was gone so he had to be out of that hall way as soon as possible.

Izuku tried figuring out what room he was in, but couldn't. It was dark inside and only mildly lit, by an orange lantern from outside a tiny window in the room. When Izuku saw the lantern he felt relieved. At least Tomura didn't take him into some cabin, because he could see the street.

His eyes got used to the darkness in the room and he saw a wooden table in the middle. It had four seats and looked dusty. The longer Izuku looked around the more it was clear that Shigaraki really had planned all of this and it only made Izuku's heart beat faster.

He saw some more wooden furniture and stopped at a sideboard with a big mirror. His heart skipped a beat in fear as he saw in what state he was in. He was naked, sweating and shivering with a wet face from the tears earlier. He could cry looking at himself, he looked disgusting.

"Just like you always are" a husky voice in his head said, but Izuku shook it away. Shigaraki wasn't here, it was just in his head.

When he let his gaze glide down he noticed a dusty frame. He couldn't pick it up, due to his hands, but bowed to look closer, since his curiousity was bigger.

It was a picture of three people, they looked happy. Izuku almost started tearing up, realizing he always had wanted to be like those three, but widened his eyes when he recognized the little boy in the middle. It was Shigar-

"Where the hell are you!" echoed through the whole house. Izuku could feel the rage flowing through Shigaraki's voice vibrating through his bones. The greenette panicked. He should've just stayed on the bed. What was gonna happen to him now?

He turned around hastily and his hands hit the sideboard. Izuku held his breath as he saw the mirror tumble down to the floor. It broke in a thousand pieces, making a loud crash echo through the whole house.

"No!" Izuku screamed in his head. Now Shigaraki was going to know immediately where he was. He started panicking and the air in the room became thicker again. Way too thick to breath in. He looked around and saw another wooden door out of the dining room. Without thinking he pulled it open and slammed it shut behind him, as he heard the angry man's footsteps coming closer.


Before Tomura could think of an answer to that question himself, his father swung the sharp bottle right into the little boys face as an answer. Tomura had shut his eyes while taking the hit, but when he opened them he only saw a reddish blur in his right eye. Even when crying, because of the pain his slit eye caused, it wouldn't go away.

With his other eye he could barely see and was grateful for that, when he heard his mother scream and then choke. He could barely see it, but would think of that exact image every night for the next coming years. His mother's neck was bleeding as she was gasping for air. Tomura wanted to run towards her, but couldn't make himself move. All he could do was watch her slowly suffocate and finally collapse to the ground as his father just stood there watching. Like he wasn't registrering what his eyes were seeing. Tomura realized his dad wasn't only drunk, but probably had done some other adult stuff , that made him act all angry, too.

Tomura's parents had always fought a lot, but he had never thought his father would do something like this, even when he was doing other kinds of drugs. He couldn't believe his eyes. The tears kept streaming out of his slit eye as he saw the blood doing the same on the floor.

His throat was hurting due to holding in his sobs and screams. He knew his father would get mad, but he just simply couldn't hold his breath any longer or he would collaps too. So he started screaming out in pain. Fysical or Emotional pain? Tomura thought it was both.

"I told you not to scream around me!" his father yelled, as he threw the bottle which was dripping the red fluid on the ground. "I always warn you so many times" he yelled louder and came closer to the crying boy. "But when will you ever listen?"

Tomura crawled backwards away from the man he had called father, scared he was gonna take his life just like his mother's.

"Dad, wait!" Shigaraki screamed and put his hands above his head, like that was going to make the pulsing rage of the man stop. He knew it wouldn't, so got up as fast as he could and ran away.

He stumbled through the hall and panted, so fast he thought he was going to pass out. His heartrate went skyrocket high as he ran up the stairs. He stopped a second to look around and saw his dad was just four feet away from him.

How had he been able to catch up Tomura so fast and grab a knife in the proces? He dashed away fast, but twisted his ankle, due to his bad sight. "Ow" he screamed and fell on his knees crying the blood from his eye away.

"Your mother will probably say it's because I was drunk again" Tomura's father yelled. Tomura looked up in disbelief.

What was he saying? Mom was laying in the kitchen. It's like his father didn't realize what he had done and it made him even more scared.

"But I know I've thought about doing this every day" he screamed while lifting up the knife above his head. Tomura was panting.

What was he supposed to do? Mom had to stand up and come help him. She couldn't be dead, right? This was all just a bad dream. He tried convincing himself and lowered his head, not being able to look his father in the eyes.

And there they were, his father's ankles. Standing at just the top of the stairs, with the bottom of his feet floating on air, with his toes just lifting his whole body.

Was that okay? Was this okay? Shigaraki thought lastly as he stopped thinking and pushed.


Is al he could hear, because he didn't look, as his father fell down the stairs. Then suddenly the loud noise stopped and everything seemed silent. When he opened his eyes again he could see blood streaming out of his fathers face and broken neck.

Did he do this? Was this okay? Where was mom? Was she coming back yet?

He had always wished for silence when his parents were fighting, but for some reason it felt so wrong now, as he was the only one breaking it with his soft sobs.

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