| 13 | Red Tears

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

The long silence that had fallen after Dabi's question was finally broken by the reptile-looking man with a hoarse voice.

"Dabi is right, we shouldn't lose sight of our goal" he said before looking directly at Izuku making him flinch "He's our chance to get him back, so what are we waiting for?"

"We've been waiting for almost a year for this opportunity" Toga spoke up while turning her head to Tomura "We can't miss this chance boss"

"I'm with Toga on this one" Twice said in a serious tone "right wifey!" he continued in a playful tone and made kiss sounds. Dabi sighed disappointed, but tried to focus, because he saw Shigaraki opening his mouth.

"You guys do whatever you want" he said angrily in his husky voice "but I'm taking him" and he grabbed Izuku's arm to pull him closer. Izuku was still naked and shivered on the cold new spot on the floor he was moved to.

"You know we can't do what we have to without him" Dabi said before reaching for the green haired man's other arm "it's us four against you, so I think it's obvious what'll happen" Dabi grabbed Izuku's arm to pull him away from the other man, but quikly pulled away to stop the knive from cutting his flesh. Tiny drops of blood from Dabi's arm fell on to the ground as well as on Izuku's freckled face. It warmed up his cold skin as he couldn't believe what he had just seen. Did Shigaraki cut his own brother's arm?

"Tomura, don't be like this" Dabi said in an almost calm tone, like this didn't seem to have surprised him. "Give him back" he continued rather unbothered and reached for the knife. Shigaraki moved the sharp object over Dabi's skin, slicing it up, again, but deeper than before.

"Don't make me cut you again Touya" Shigaraki yelled, pushed by the rage flowing through his body. Dabi stepped back after hearing his old name and was caught off guard "I feel like I've warned you enough, next time maybe your throat?" he said in a cocky manner, but quikly returned to a serious face when he noticed Izuku trying to squirm out of his grip. "Come here brat, I still haven't given you the bath I promised, have I?"

Izuku's eyes shot open in fear and he almost forgot about the throbbing pain of Shigaraki pulling his hair viciously. He felt the floor under him move again as he was pulled to the same door he came in.

Suddenly Tomura let go of his hair and Izuku fell on his back. He wondered why the man's grip on his hair had loosened. He heard a knife hit the wall, followed by a female giggle. When he looked back he saw Shigaraki pinned to the wall by a knive that was thrown.

"I loved doing that" Toga exclaimed happily "Can I do it again?" she asked with pleading eyes facing Dabi.

"No, he's just frustrated" Dabi answered, making Toga change to a sad expression. "We'll give him some time to think about it" he explained "I know he'll change his mind when master is back"

Shigaraki pulled the knife out of the wall realizing they weren't going to listen. He was going to need to be smart and that wasn't a problem for the blue-gray haired man.

"Maybe you're right, I'm sorry" Tomura said and dropped the knive, making a loud noise. When it had stopped moving, he had shut the door and left the room, leaving the other five quite confused.

"Me and Spinner will get master back" Dabi broke the short silence "You two stay with Tomura, he's acting strange" he noticed and turned his head to the shivering man on the ground.

Until You Love Me [Bakudeku Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now