Chapter 2 'Baby?'

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- No! - she shouted and wanted to shoot, but Stefano was first. He killed her. I went to the little girl, who looked like an 8-9 month baby.

- Hey, don't cry, baby girl - I said to her and she hugged me. 

- Who is she? - Stefano asked me.

- I don't know. Maybe she is Olivia's and my uncle's daughter. - I said and scanned the baby. The baby calmed down and fell asleep.

- We need to go. She needs to sleep and eat. - Stefano said and helped me with the baby to stand up. She was so small. Is she really my cousin? 

- No, wait. We can't come back. Others will see us with her.

- Ok, then what we should do? - he asked.

- Can call my dad and said that I will stay at the summer house - I begged him.

- Ok, where is it? - Stefano asked.

- Near. Follow me - I said and we went. In 10 minutes we were at the place.

- I didn't know that there is a summer house - Stefano added while I laid Babygirl on the sofa

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

- I didn't know that there is a summer house - Stefano added while I laid Babygirl on the sofa. 

- Look after her. Did you call my dad? - I asked him.

- Yes, he said that he will come to us in 20 minutes and asked what are we going to do here.

- What did you say?

- I said that he will come and you will tell him. - he spoke and laid his hand on babygirl.

- I will ask Molly(my servant) to bring something that the baby eats. - I took my phone and called Molly. In 10 minutes she was here.

- Thank you. 

- Miss, why you need ... - she wanted to ask but baby girl began to cry and interrupted her.

- Why are you crying, baby girl? - I went to her and Stefano. She saw me and smiled. 

- She likes you. - Stefano stated and took her.

- Ok, let's eat baby girl. - I said and Molly gave me a bottle of milk. I wondered why she didn't ask me about this baby. However, when I was feeding a baby girl, who was sitting in Stefano's arms, my dad came...

- Belli, what happened? Why are you here? - My dad asked and saw Babygirl in Stefano's arms. -Who is that child?

- Ok, I will tell you everything but first I need to feed this baby. - I said calmly.

- Ok, ok, ok. But why Stefano is here? - he asked and I shook my head and wanted to answer but Stefano was first.

- We were walking together in the garden. - he said in a deep voice. After 5-7 minutes baby girl finished eating and began to play with my necklace.

- Ok, Babygirl, do you wanna play? - I asked her and she smiled.

- Molly, take her to the left room - I said and she took Babygirl from Stefano's arms and went to the room.

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