Chapter 22

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(Harry's POV)
I'm walking down the street, and suddenly I stop. My ex girlfriend, Abigale DeLavalle, is in front of me. She has a smirk on her face and her blue eyes are full of revenge.
"Harry! You're so fat, ugly, and a manwhore! Why aren't you dead yet? You should die! Just kill yourself, no one will miss you! You're a waste of space and no one likes you! I bet your girlfriend AJ even hates you! Go kill yourself, you whore!"
I start crying and run back home, run to my certain death. I know what will happen, though. AJ will see me crying, she'll ask "what's wrong, Harry?" I'll tell her I want to die, and she'll tell me she loves me. She'll kiss me and cuddle me and all that. She'll end up stopping me from dying. But I can avoid that.
I finally get home, and AJ greets me at the door.
"Hi baby!" She says and kisses me.
"Harry, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just tired." I fake a yawn.
"Okay Hazza!"
And that is how you stop your girlfriend from bothering you.
(AJ's POV)
I walk into the bedroom to find Harry laying on the bed crying.
"Harry," I say.
"G-go away..... P-please....."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing!" Harry hisses.
"Can't you understand 'leave me alone'?"
"Alright..... I'll just stay in the other room."
I walk into the living room and then I see Harry run into the bathroom.
"Harry?!" I scream.
"It's fine....." He sobs. I rush upstairs.
"Baby, what are you doing in there?!"
"I'm killing myself...." Harry sobs.
"What..... No..... No! Baby please! Let me in!"
"No. I've wanted to die for a long time. You've always protected me. I'm just a burden to you, AJ. You don't need me in your life. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused. Just forget me, I'm fat and ugly and stupid. I lied about my depression being cured at the hospital; all I could think about was suicide. It still is all I think about, it always has been since I first became depressed. Please just let me kill myself. Goodbye, my love...." He sobs. I get a blanket and a pillow and cuddle up next to the bathroom door.
"Harry, just let me tell you something: I love you. Remember when we were both so happy, when we thought nothing bad could ever happen to us? Well, it finally happened, Harry. That 'something bad' wasn't just anything; it was your breaking point. The day you started listening to the hate, I thought it was the end of our relationship. But here I am, almost 3 1/2 years later. I still love you the same, if not more, than I did back then. Harry, today is without a doubt one of the worst days of my life. Not because I'm still dating you, but because I'm going to lose you." I'm not sure if he's listening or even if he's still alive, but I continue, "I have watched you try to kill yourself many times before, and you saw how sad I was. Now that I can't save you, I just want you to know that I love you, Harry. I really love you. And I hope we meet again someday....... But just remember, Harry. We could be immortals. Just not for long." I can't bring myself to say anything too sad. The last thing I say to him is, "I love you, Harry Edward Styles, I really do. I'll miss you so much. Goodbye, my little cupcake." I start sobbing uncontrollably and seconds later Harry joins me. I knew he was listening! He's still so cute and sweet. I cannot handle the thought of finding his blood-spattered body laying motionless on the bathroom floor. I still can't believe he's going to be dead when I wake up in the morning.
(Harry's POV)
I heard every word that AJ said to me a few moments ago. I just wish I could kiss her one last time..... But then she would try to save me. I take out my razor and start making fresh cuts all over, but then I realise something: it'll be easier to just take an overdose of pills. That really will be better, because I know what AJ will do. I don't want AJ to hear me dying, because then she'll be upset. But even though I won't be here, won't be able to see her or hear her, I'll still feel guilty about killing myself in the room next to her. I just hope she's okay without me. Oh wait. Of course she'll be okay without me. I'm the messed up one. I'm the problem. I always have been the problem. AJ always knew that someday I would crack, that someday I would do this. But I didn't think she would stick around long enough to see it happen. I take out a bottle of pills and dump 8 into my hand. I wrote a note to AJ already, and I made a little scrapbook of me, all the pictures of me since I was little. I feel so guilty about leaving AJ, but of course I dump the pills down my throat and unlock the door as soon as I hear her stop crying. I want her to say one last goodbye to me. I slowly open the door and kiss her forehead lightly.
"I love you, AJ." I whisper.
I know she hates to see the way I am-no-was.
Suddenly, I see all my memories flash before my eyes, and-
(AJ's POV)
I wake up in the morning, almost forgetting about Harry. Then I realise where I was sleeping. I slowly open the bathroom door and see Harry laying there-his body motionless, his eyes wide open. His eyes are no longer the perfect green color they were when I first saw him; they're now a grayish color. He looks so peaceful, yet so sad. I grab his arm and see there are cuts running up and down it. There's a small pool of blood underneath it.
Then I lose it. I start crying so hard I'm screaming, and I'm cuddling Harry, trying to get him back to me.
"Please! Please, Harry...... Don't leave me forever! Come back to me, I didn't mean to hurt you the other day! I'm sorry...... It was all my fault. All my fault, Harry. I love you, I need you..... Please don't leave me, I didn't mean it....." I scream. It's no use, so I try to remain calm while I call One Direction to tell them.
"Hi." Louis says.
"Hi....." I try not to look at Harry; that'll only make me cry more.
"What happened?" Niall asks after a long moment of silence.
"H-Harry, Harry killed himself......" I sob.
"R-really..... I-I-we-we'll be right over....." Louis says. I can tell he's sad, since his voice was quivering. As soon as they arrive, I take them to Harry.
"W-we're so sorry!" They say, crying. What? They told him to do this and now they're apologising? Well guess what Louis? It's too late to apologise. I kneel down and kiss the tip of Harry's nose and I move on to kiss his forehead. I go up a little higher on his head and bury my face in his soft curls. By now, I'm sobbing.
"I-I love you, Harry. I'll miss you, my little cupcake." I tell him before gently pushing his eyelids closed. We call 911 so they could take Harry away.
"So, what exactly happened?" Niall asks-quite calmly, actually-after the ambulance leaves.
"Well, he seemed really upset, and when I asked him what was wrong, he screamed at me. I knew something was wrong, Harry never screamed at me. I knew something was wrong, but he must have known I would have saved him. He ran to the bathroom, and then........ He killed himself." I say.
"We're so sorry, AJ. We knew how much Harry meant to you." All of One Direction say.
"I-it's fine, I guess." I say, trying not to cry. I have never felt suicidal thoughts before, but right at this moment I feel like killing myself, just so I can be with Harry. I guess I only feel this way because now I'm lonely, I have no one.

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