Chapter 11: AJ's POV

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(2 months later)
For the past 2 months, I admit, Harry is certainly getting a little better, but he's still not the same. I'm worried, though. I'm worried that even though I love him and he loves me, he'll still try to kill himself multiple times before finally succeeding. And I'm afraid that time might come soon. I overheard Harry talking to himself, it sounded like he was looking for a good place to die.
"Harry?" I said.
"Hi-um-yes?" He stuttered.
"Harry, what were you talking about?"
"Nothing, I swear. I was just, um..... Nothing, nothing." He said quickly.
"Harry..... Please?" I ask.
"NOTHING! I SAID IT WAS NOTHING!" He screamed and ran out the door. I still was worried he was making plans for his..... Departure. I was scared, no, terrified. I didn't want my little cupcake to kill himself! I want him to stay alive and enjoy life, not throw it away because of what some other people say!
*flashback over*
Harry's still sleeping. He looks so cute and so peaceful. It's hard for you to imagine how he could even think that he's fat and ugly. I guess it is possible, though. I wake him up by tapping his shoulder lightly.
"Good morning, Harry!" I say cheerfully.
"Hi." He replies.
"Haz, what's wrong?"
"Then why do you look so sad?"
"I don't look sad!"
"Yeah you do. Harry, please just tell me what's going on! I'm sick of you pretending to be okay but then sneaking into the bathroom to cut yourself!" Did that come off as mean? God, I hope not. I don't want Harry to think I'm mad at him.
"Are you mad at me now?" I ask slowly.
"No. I just don't feel like talking about myself. Then people will just have proof that I'm a self-centered manwhore."
"Harry, nobody will have 'proof'. Nobody's watching you, so please just listen to me. I love you, Harry. Honestly, does it matter what other people say-" Harry nods his head, "-if we really love each other as much as we say we do? I mean, c'mon. Harry, you're so sweet, cute, and perfect. Don't let the haters bring you down, please." I tell him, kissing his forehead and cheek.
"I-I didn't know I was acting this way..... I mean, I knew I was listening to them, but what else did they tell me that wasn't true?" Harry says.
"Harry, they just lied about you being ugly and fat, and obviously lying about you being a manwhore. They want you to feel this way, and Harry, you're letting them win. Please don't let them win. You can win this battle, okay. Please, just do this for me. I honestly, truly, love you. Please don't change who you are just to fit someone else's definition of perfect."
A/N: okay, that was a short chapter, but of course, there will be another. This chapter was a little bit of a filler, but of course, it was necessary. Harry did realise what happened, and the next chapter will continue this last scene. I, being the author I am, only did it like this so it would build up a lot of suspense. The next chapter will be from Harry's point of view, and it will really show how he has grown throughout the story. This story will be approximately 10 or more chapters longer. If you have ANY ideas for a future chapter, PLEASE tell me. All I have ideas for are the next chapter and the last chapter. PLEASE tell me what you want to happen to Harry and AJ next, and if I like your idea, I'll incorporate it into the story! I hope you enjoyed this SHORT chapter, but I only had to cut it short because the next part of the dialogue is Harry, and I want y'all to be surprised. ✌️Bye ✌️

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