Chapter 6: AJ's POV

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Today we have to take Harry to this doctor who makes sure he's healthy. I don't think he's healthy, I mean he's so skinny and he wants to die? He thinks he's fat when he's deathly skinny? Oh yeah, he isn't healthy.
"Excuse me, is there a Harry Styles here?" The assistant calls. It's Harry's turn.
"Is it healthy for people to want to kill themselves?" I blurt out.
"No...." The doctor says.
"I'm worried...." I say.
"Listen, Harry. You are deathly skinny. How many times a week do you eat?"
"Usually one or 2. Sometimes I only eat once a day every 2 days." Harry says.
"That's not his only problem. He says he's fat and ugly." I tell her.
"That's because it's true. I am completely fat." Harry tells her.
"No Harry. You aren't fat at all. You're the skinniest person in the United States, and that isn't good. Your stomach is probably not used to eating a lot if you've been doing this for more than 6 months. AJ, how long has Harry been doing this?"
"About 3 or 4 years." I tell her nervously.
"Harry, you have a serious problem. Now your stomach cannot handle eating more than 2 times a week." The doctor says.
"AJ, he is very unhealthy. I think you should take him home and give him some food. Also here is a prescription for medication which should increase his appetite and make his stomach size increase as well."
"Thank you." I say, walking out.
"Harry, promise you won't starve yourself anymore?"
"I'm not promising anything." Harry mumbles.
"Please just eat something when we get home."
"No. I'm not hungry and I'm never coming back here. All they do is lie. I look so fat, AJ. She just lied to my face and said I was super skinny." I hate seeing him like this. I hate how he always puts himself down. Why can't he understand how cute he is? He's so cute and sweet but yet he thinks he's the ugliest person ever.
"Harry, she wasn't lying...... Please just believe me."
"No! I refuse to believe these lies! Why do you even like me? It's obviously not because of my looks or anything. I'm the ugliest person on earth and I'm so fat. No one else likes me, so why do you?" Harry says.
"Because..... You're sweet, you're adorable, you're just perfect to me." I tell him.
"Yeah right. You think fat and ugly is perfect? Obviously you're too good for me. One Direction probably hired you to make me look bad." He bites his lip.
"See, I bet if I died, no one would care because I'm so fat and ugly. No one cares." He starts to cry.
"Harry, don't cry..... It'll be okay. Aww, my little cupcake, it's alright. We'll get through this together." I whisper.

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