Chapter Four ; When push comes to shove

Start from the beginning

Technoblade continued, "These men have been conspiring against our kingdom. They won't stop until they get what they want," The king pointed towards his own crown, "They want me gone."

There was a moment during Dream's initial introduction to Technoblade where he doubted his ability to rule. He was far too stoic, lacked focus and stubbornly refused help, but while attending Technoblade's speech to his people, when sparring with him, when he watched him at his various royal functions, he proved himself worthy of a portrait in the hallways of the castle. Right now, Dream could see the competent, brave king in front of him, speaking to his generals, lords and knights with a determination like no other.

The king and his subordinates talked of the things known and proposed plans, but never did they look at Dream who knew far more of the darkness that lurked in the criminal world. The only person who provided real input was Technoblade, who knew far more than any monarch should. Common hideouts, potential spies, escape routes, things that only seasoned criminals would know. He'd have to question him on it later.

"Excuse me," A secretary interrupted. Dream remembers him, a meek boy who just got promoted, "But I believe we should consult Dream? Maybe he would know more than us... Because... You know..." The boy couldn't be older than 18, with hair that's half black and half white. He seems to be the most sensible of those at the table.

Technoblade looked at Dream like he forgot his knight was even there, his red eyes widening for just a second. But just as quickly as his expression came, it returned back to practiced stoicism. Techno cleared his throat, "Uh, yes- Dream? Do you have anything to add?"

"Well..." He thought of all the secrets that would surely get him killed if he opened his mouth, so he decided on staying as vague as possible. Everyone listened carefully as he explained where Mr. Beast's manor is situated, who works under him, why he is dangerous. The king was not amused, perhaps sensing that his blond knight isn't telling him the whole truth. How the king picked up on that, he didn't know, considering Dream's refined ability to lie.

Despite this, Technoblade perked up when Dream talked of the secret vaults of gold. He quickly caught himself and calmed, as if he was trying to hide something. Strange. That goes in the bulletin list of things to mention over dinner.

By the end of meeting the generals, using Dream's input, have decided on a plan to counter most things that might be thrown at them.

Despite the careful preparation, Dream knows its not enough, that they will lose no matter what they prepare. It's in his best interest to oblige and keep the king safe, but soon enough, he will return and come for his head again.

Once they leave the meeting room, Technoblade makes an unusual offer, "Accompany me to the gardens. The weather is perfect for a walk." Dream follows him, watching him walk in stride with his hands folded behind his back. His pink braided hair rocked from side to side as he walked, adding to his elegance.

They keep silent the whole way, only interrupted by the occasional swear as Techno tripped over his feet.

The weather was in fact not perfect for a walk. The storm from earlier had not calmed, the wind still howling and forcing the garden bells to chime. This did not deter the king as he quickly made his way under the gazebo, urging Dream to follow him in.

As they stood in the gazebo, Dream felt nervous. Even when his royal garbs were slightly soaked, the king's aura remained imposing and all-consuming. The rain continued to pour, drowning out any other sound, closing the two of them off to the outside world.

Technoblade abruptly turned to Dream, "Now that we're alone." He leaned in, closely inspecting Dream's face, "You're hiding something. I can smell it on you."

"Smell it?-" The brunet shook his head, "I'm not hiding anything your majesty. You need not worry." He was lying, it was probably written all over his somber face.

"The information you're withholding is crucial to the protection of this kingdom. If this kingdom falls, I go down with it, unless that's what you want." Technoblade could see right through his lies, it seems the man needed no more than a month to be able to read his every move. Dream knew that keeping anything secret from the man in front of him was nothing short of treason, yet he stood proud, unwilling to become nothing more than a tamed dog.

The king's red eyes met his green eyes with an intensity unmatched. None of them spoke a word, the cold tension rising as they fought a battle of wits with nothing more than their stares. The rain around them continued to pour, drowning out the outside world.

Technoblade, his king, his savior, his salvation from doom, was going to be his ultimate downfall, for even he could not protect him from what is to come. He will not be able to save his kingdom, nor will he save Dream, for there is nothing that can be done against the power that will destroy the throne. It would be best for the both of them if he didn't speak a word of the horrors that await them if Dream slips up, if he even utters a word of the things he swore not to speak of. Yet the king pushed Dream further and further into compliance with nothing more than the look in his eyes, red and bloody, just like the hundreds of people the assassin killed.

It was then that the ex-assassin remembered the burning questions on his mind, the suspicions he had. He broke through Technoblade's hypnotic stare to gaze upon his clothed chest. The white fabric was wet, clearly showing the outlines of battle scars that he so often tried to hide. What kind of battles did he fight to receive such deep scars? Why did he know so much about the underground? Why did he choose to spare Dream and force him to start caring about someone other than himself?

Before he could even consider asking these questions, they were interrupted by the ring of the city bells. Along it, the resounding hum of a horn echoed through the rain, signalling both of their worst fears. As Dream turned to the castle walls he saw him, the man he feared most, smirking down at him with his sword in hand.

George is back.

[ AN; ANOTHER ONE DONE! i think i will eventually make and post the art for the last chapter and this one, but for now, i hope you enjoyed! comments would be really appreciated :> ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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