Love letters (PARK SEONGWHA)

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Love letters 🖇💌 ꒱
Written by @seongwrites✏️

"Park Seongwha!" this is for you. You handed him a letter.

"Huh?" before he could ask you anything else you run away.

"A letter?" he seemed so confused.

Day 2
When you saw him going back to his house. You without him knowing had put a letter inside his bag.

Day 3
You went to his class when they were having games and glide a letter inside his book.

Day 4
You saw him sitting in the library reading a book and when you saw him dozing off you went their and put the letter inside his coat without waking him up.

Day 5
He was playing volleyball with his team and there was a desk where he put his jersey and a bag. Without anyone seeing you, you put the letter on the table and cover it up with his jersey. 

Day 6
He was having a meal with his friend and you decided to buy him a coke so you give him the letter along with coke so you called one of his friends and told him to give that to him.

Day 7
You came early in the morning and open up his locker and put the letter inside his locker. "Finally I did it." you gasped and were going back to your class when someone caught you.

It was none other than "Park Seongwha".
"What are you-" before you could say anything more he took the letters out from his bag. "So you brought another one?" he smirked.

You didn't know that all the time you were sending him letters he was watching you.

* The day when you put the letter inside his bag. He saw you running in tiny. "Cute" he giggled.
* The day when they had their games he was coming back to his class to drink some water. And when he saw you visiting his class he hides from you. "Another one?" he smiled.
* When thinking that he dozed off in the library you put the letter inside his book he wasn't actually sleeping. He was acting. "this is getting fun" he said and smiled.
* The day he was having a volleyball match he saw you putting the letter. When they had their half time. He quickly went to the table and put the letter inside his bag so that no one else finds it.
* When his friend gave him the letter and coke. "A girl gave me this and told me to give it to you." his friend said. His other friends started teasing him. "Not her again." he smiled.

Him back at his home. "i am so excited to read this."  he opened the letter and started reading it.

(The first one)
"So hello Park Seongwha. I dont know how to start but i really wanted to tell you that I like you. To be honest i just love you. I dont know how it happened but everytime when i look at you my heart keeps beating so fast. Its like i have seem an angel. Your smile. It gives me energy. So keep smiling. Fighting!! "


(The second one)
"I hope you are doing fine. I saw you unhappy today becuase of the tests result. If there is anything bothering you i am here. We can talk. And i will make sure that you will laugh. And it was just a paper. You tried your best on it. So dont let it bother you. Try to do better next time. You are amazing. Always remember this. Fighting!!"


(The third one)
"You are the sun that shines brightly throughout my day.
You are the gravity that holds me down in every way.
You are the moon that shimmers throughout my night.
You are stars that glimmer oh so bright.
This is your worth Park Seongwha. Cheer up!!
You have your entrance exam tomorrow. Hope you enter your favourite college. Fighting!"


(The forth one)
"You are like my Princess Peach. If a giant turtle kidnapped you, I'm pretty sure I'd stomp on his head to get you back. Did i made you cringe? I know am cringe but its all because of you. I was never like this before. But it doesnt matter. You got entered to your favourite college. Congratulations!! i knew you could do it."

(The fifth one)
"I can only use so many words in the dictionary to show you how much I love you. I love you so much that you are always on my mind, putting a smile on my face and making my heart skip a beat. There are so many ways for me to express my love and I plan on showing you just how much love I have for you for the rest of my life. I hope that my actions let you know the extent of my affection, adoration, and commitment to you. Park Seongwha! You know? Whom i met yesterday?!? Your favourite Idol. I even took a autograph for you. I will send it to you."

(The sixth day)
"Sorry i couldnt give you the autograph today but i will bring it tomorrow. And also for today fighting!!"

"So you are the girl who keep sending me letters aren't you? Dont worry i have seen you a couple of time while you were putting them inside my book, bag etc. Let me read the last one." He pushed you behind the locker and his one hand was in the locker so that you don't run away and other one was on the letter.

"Park Seongwha i just realised how stupid i was. Please forgive me for my stupidity. I didn't even thought how uncomfortable you will feel after reading them. Please forgive me. I wont send them again to you. I am sorry again."  He read it infront of you.

"I am sorry! You bowed down.

"You don't have to. To be honest. They gave me positive energy. Thanks to you. But don't do that to other guys." He said.

"Yes i won't do that to anyone. I know how uncomfortable it may feel." you said.

"It's not because of uncomfortable feelings it's because they are not me. And you are mine." He said bringing his face near you.

You closed your eyes thinking that he will kiss you. But he just came near to you so that he could closer the lockers door. "Why are you closing your eyes?" he asked. "I- i mean nothing." you runaway.

"She is definitely cute." He said.

"So this is what happened mom?"  Your boy asked you.

"Yup. I know it's kind of embarrassing but i was the one who took the first step. Your dad was just dumb" You said.

"Well don't you miss him mom? I wish he was still with us." Your boy asked.

"Offcourse i miss him. Just way too much. But it's okay. I know he is watching us from the heavens. And wishing that his boy will be a good person." You replied.

"Well you should be thanks to me mom for diving into the dust and finding the old letters for you." Your kid started to act all pouty. After that he left for a shower as he was all dusty.

"Those were the days and the memories of it gives me happiness. Thanks for the love Park Seongwha. I love you and i will always love you. Let's meet again in the next life."

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