அ Chapter Twenty-One அ

Start from the beginning

"Seven percent power sir." If Jarvis could sound panicked, he would in this moment.

Tony rolled his eyes, "Stop telling me! Just leave it on the screen." He heard the distinct beeping of a dropped line, he internally panicked but pressed on nonetheless.

The hand on his ankle moved, gripping his thigh and then waist in a grip that was nowhere near as tight. Obadiah must be grinning from the inside of the suit, but Tony felt a sense of pride at the forming ice on the entire suit.

"You had a great idea Tony, but my suit is more advanced in every way!" Obadiah began crushing his middle, but Tony smiled.

"Really?" He lifted both his hands above his head, interlocking his fingers and hesitating, "How'd you solve the icing problem?"

Obadiah's mask didn't change for obvious reasons, but Tony could hear the questioning expression. "Icing problem?"

"Might want to look into it." Tony brought his combined fists down onto Obadiah's head, the sound ringing clear as the man started to fall.

Tony hovered in the air for just a moment. "Two percent power." He started to tip over, his left boot crushed beyond use and the lack of genuine power starting a lopsided decent. Jarvis called instructions to him that the older Stark ignored for the most part, taking instead to concentrate on making sure he did not loose too much altitude to quickly.

He nearly crash landed into the roof and would have if not for the emergency reserve power that caught him a few feet above the concrete.

Tony's earpiece picked up a call. "Potts!"

"Tony! Oh my god, are you okay?" She sounded panicked.

The older Stark had already made the decision to give his personal assistant ample time off after all of theses events, solely because of the stress she was experiencing. "I'm almost out of power. I've got to get out of this thing-" He pulled the left repulser off by the elbow, only paying a minuscule amount of attention to the world around him. "Please tell me you found Nikolas-"

She cut him off, "He was in Sector 16, but he doesn't look good. Tony-" She paused, "Tony he needs a hospital now."

Before the older Stark could reply hands grabbed him by the waist, Obadiah's voice was much to loud in his ears- "Nice try Tony!"

Tony reacted almost immediately, shooting off flares from his hip in an attempt to get the metal man to drop him. Obadiah groaned at the bright lights that appeared, dropping Tony and stumbling backwards. Tony sprinted away, trying to be as quiet as possible as he ducked behind machinery on the roof.

He spoke softly into his ear piece, "Potts?"

"Tony!" The panic in her voice didn't change, "What's happening?"

"This isn't working. I'm gonna need you to do something for me." In this moment, Tony wished that Nikolas was there with him, fighting at his side of capable of performing the next task without Tony's need to elaborate. "We are going to overloud the reactor and blast the roof."

She made a noise of confirmation.

"Go to the central console, open up all the circuits." Tony paused, listening closely for movement from Obadiah before continuing. "When I get clear of the roof, you're going to hit the master bypass button."

Pepper must have spoken to confirm, but all Tony could hear was the crunch of the Mark Two armor around his chest as Obadiah picked him up and tossed him across the roof. His helmet knocked loose, his chin thunking against the glass underneath him in a painful way.

Tony lifted his head to Obadiah grinning at him in a nearly deranged way.

"I never had a taste for this sort of thing." Obadiah's voice sounded normal with his helmet off, it did not change the horror that Tony felt at the man in front of him. He crushed the Mark Two helmet in a tight grip, tossing it at Tony with a laugh. "But I must admit, I am deeply enjoying the suit!"

Obadiah lifted his hand and fired an array of bullets at Tony, the older Stark braced himself for an impact that never came.

Tony looked up, almost immediately noticing the specific way that Obadiah's suit moved; jerking movements as if it was reluctant.

"Nikolas." Tony muttered his son's name with a smile, lifting a hand to his ear and pressing at the earpiece. "Pepper blow the roof now."

The older Stark knew after the confirmation of his son taking control over Obadiah's suit, is that he would be able to protect Tony should anything go wrong with the explosion of the arc reactor.

Obadiah continued to aim at Tony, his suit reacting slowly but still reacting. "It's not working Tony! " He could hear the panic in her voice, "Nikolas what are you- no!"

Tony glanced down through the glass, risking what would happen if he takes his eyes off of Obadiah but could care less the moment he saw his son through the glass.

Nikolas' wings were extended high above his head and he seemed to be moving slowly. His features were to far away but Tony could tell something was off the moment his son lowered himself into the center of the arc reactor ring.

Tony yelled, pounding the glass at his feet as he shouted everything he could to get Nikolas to stop. The explosion and how close his son was in the moment would surely kill him. Nikolas looked up at the sky, his head tipped back, his words echoing in his dad's head as the older Stark was lifted to his feet and forcefully moved away from the glass.

Get off the roof.

The arc reactor exploded.

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