I grib the handles of my bag tight and I enter the english classroom. It's like my footfall suddenly got really heavy, every step I took echoed throughout my head as I neared my desk at the back. Where the fuck did my confidence go? I was rearing to scold this girl, I was ready to tell her to switch but now I can hardly walk. My heart was pumping faster than I could count and its thumps were pounding in my ears.

I look up, searching for her. She's asleep on her desk again. That's a good thing and also a bad thing. The good thing being that I could compose myself before waking her up. The bad thing is... well I've got to wake her up.

I stand by the side of her place, looking at her pale face. This is it, I'm going to ask her. No! I'm going to tell her. I open my mouth to speak, to tell her to switch partners and finally prove Opal that I can do it. That I'm not just some shy girl. I'm confident.

Korra suddenly stirs and I twist away as quick as possible, making myself dizzy in the process. I take my seat behind her and huff. Yeah, maybe not today. Korra woke up and sat up straight in her chair, rubbing her eyes awake. She stretched again, shooting her arms up into the air and I get a waft of her hair as she leans back.

I think I would've died if I was still stood there. My words would've stumbled over themselves and I probably would've said something stupid. I roll my eyes and sigh, Opal definitely won't let this one go. I reach for my pen at the edge of my desk but completely miss it. It starts to roll, roll faster than I expected and it topples on the floor.

I duck under my desk and reach for the getaway item, however someone else had the same idea. My hand brushes theirs for a moment before I recoil away, the back of my head smacked against the desk. Ow. I try and soothe the bump to the head by rubbing it.
"Did you drop this again?"

My eyes snap towards the whisper and I jump. My eyes meet blue until they flicker down to my pen that was between her fingers. I nod and take the pen into my hands. She turns around after that after giving me a small smile. I should really keep a string attached to my pen or something.

English Class flew by and I made sure I had a good grip on my pen throughout the whole lesson. I waited for the class to file out by packing my bag really slowly, I never like getting caught up in the stampede to next lesson. Once t was clear to go, I made my way for the exit. However, someone stood just infront of the exit of the class, preventing me from leaving. What does she want now?

"I couldn't find you after school yesterday." Korra chuckled. Probably because I ran away. She paused for a moment, shuffling her feet which made her untied shoe lace dance around on the floor.
"I just wanted to talk about the project but I got a little caught up."

I can recall. I point to her shoes.
"Your lace is untied."

She quickly peers down at her feet before hopping on one leg to tuck the string into the side of her shoe. No wonder it keeps falling out, the girl doesn't even tie them in the first place.

"It seems pretty hard huh?" Korra says, balancing herself again. Is she trying to make small talk?

I roll my eyes an accident, I didn't mean to do that in front of her.
"Not really." I say, not sure if I should just push past her or not.

Korra shrugged.
"Well it's over three weeks so it's got to be a little difficult right?" Difficult for me? To do the project by myself? I pulled my book closer to my chest, raising an eyebrow at her.
"When should we start working on it?" She asks. Ah yes, like there's a we in this pair task.

"I in fact can do this on my own. You can go do whatever you want. Whatever that is I don't care." I say, deciding that I will push past her and I did. The halls were pretty much empty at this point and if I would've stayed any longer then I'll probably be late to next lesson.

"You do realise that we have to visit these places right?"

I stop. I completely forgot about that.

I hear her feet shuffling towards me.
"Do you actually know any good places around here?" She quizzes.

"Yes I do." I meet her gaze as I turn around.

Korra crosses her arms and smiles at me, smugly. What is she planning?
"Tell me, where would you go?"

Where would I go? I don't really go out much. This town is always so crowded and busy, besides there's not many places to see around here. Why would I go out anyway? I have studying to do, cars to fix. I don't have time to 'explore'.
"The main park." I say, that's the only place I could think of. Even though I've never actually been to that place, it's the only thing I know that could possibly be interesting.

Korra raises a brow at me and laughs, shaking her head at me. My cheeks glow red in embarassment, why is she laughing?
"You don't go out much do you?"

Is it really that obvious from that one answer?
"So what if I don't?"

"I'm not saying It's a bad thing Sato." Sato? I didn't realise she knew my last name.
"I know a few places I could take you to."

"There's no way I'm going anywhere with you." I say, twirling myself around so I can continue to my next lesson.

"Oh come on! We are a perfect pair don't you think?" She says and catches up with me. A perfect pair... where did she get that from?
"I know the town, the places and you have the writing skills."

Just what I thought she'd eventually say.
"So you're thinking about dropping me off at random places so I can write the whole project for you?"

"No no that's not what I meant. I'll help you of course, I'm just not great at expressive writing." Korra admits, scratching the back of her neck. Perhaps if she paid attention in class we wouldn't be having this conversation. Why am I even getting angry about this? it's all a waste of time. I should ask her to switch already.

Korra sighs at my silence, her eyes go downcast.
"Look if it really bothers you that much then we can ask Miss about switching partners."

I raise a brow. How considerate of her to say that.
"Sounds good to me."

Thank the Lords.

'Pairs' [korrasami]Where stories live. Discover now