.♦. The Ball .♦.

Start bij het begin

"Mason" One of them acknowledged him.

"And who is this pretty lady?" The second one asked.

"Eliza ,those are my brothers Brent and Luke" He said pointing at each one of them before continuing " Brothers this Eliza she works with me and Darcy".

"Nice to meet you" I said, shaking their hands.

"The feeling is mutual " They both replied.

"Let's go inside" Mason said.

The doors to the ballroom opened and an overwhelming feeling hit me like a truck. The room was packed with people dancing, drinking, chatting and so on. Men all wore beautiful tuxedos and women all were hugged by stunning dresses.

"Mr.king" Mason clenched his jaw as he recognized the voice then turned around.

"Mr. Gold" Mason said.

"Uh Eliza nice to see you here" He said.

"Likewise Mr. Connor" I said.

Connor was looking as handsome as ever with his messy hair and glowing skin. Okay I sound weird as I keep mentioning his skin .(picture below).

"Can I have this dance with you?" He asked

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"Can I have this dance with you?" He asked.

Well shit! Not gonna lie I saw this one coming. Well I can't refuse can I?

"Uhh okay" I said looking at Mason, who looked angry, for confirmation. I don't even know why I cared about his opinion.

Connor led me to the middle of the room and placed one hand on my hip and the other held one of my hands while my second hand rested on his shoulder. I was so anxious because firstly I think I might step on his feet and secondly I don't freaking know how to act.

"So Eliza do you have a boyfriend?" Connor asked.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Oh nothing just wondering" He replied with a smirk.

"Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?" He asked and I stiffened.

"I-i really can't Mr. Connor my-" I was saying.

"Oh come on why can't-" Connor was saying but Mason saved me.

"Can I have my turn now? " Mason said, taking my hand out of his.

"Uh yeah sure" Connor said, rubbing his neck then left.

"You looked like you were uncomfortable" He said.

"I did?" I asked and he nodded.

The song finally ended as we went to meet some people such as the host of the ball Lucas. Then we proceeded to meet some of the company's friends and other people.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Mason grumbled under his breath.

I looked around trying to spot who he's talking about and when I did my heart dropped.

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