"I'm fine I just haven't been getting enough sleep lately. I'm cranky."

"Me and you both." Bella replied. It got quiet after and Katherine soon dozed off briefly before she felt herself being jerked awake as Bella pulled over to the side of the road.

"Did you see that?" Katherine's heart was pounding  and her eye sight was blurry from the abrupt awakening. She watched Bella usher across the road looking out across the water to the people messing around on the cliff. Jacob was laughing.

"They're not really fighting, Bella. They're cliff diving. Scary as hell but a total rush." He stated.

"A rush?" Katherine could hear Bella faintly say through the crack of the window. Her eyes widened. and she opened the door and stood up to peer over the top.

"Hey!" She pointed at her sister with an accusing and concerned look. "Don't get any ideas!" Jake chuckled at Katherine. Bella gave her sister a weird look.

"Most of us jump lower down but leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples."

"You have some kind of beef with him or something?" Bella came back to the truck as Katherine got out and around in front of the hood.

"I don't know. They just think they run this place." Katherine observed the group on top of the cliff. "Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids'. Now look at him." Another leapt off the cliff presumably Embry. Katherine remembered seeing him just a few weeks ago at Jacob's he seemed nice.

"That's Embry? What happened to him?"

"He missed some school. And now all of a sudden he started following Sam around like a little puppy. Same thing happened with Paul and Jared. Sam keeps giving me this look. Like he's waiting on me or something. It's kinda starting to freak me out."

'This took a turn.' Katherine thought. She started to feel bad for Jake he lost his friend to a gang of misfits.

"You should just avoid him then." Katherine suggested.

"I try. But sometimes he just pops up expectantly and I don't know..."

"Hey, why don't we just get back in the truck and go ride the motor bikes." Bella gave Jacob a reassuring rub on the arm semi-awkwardly making Katherine eye the two suspiciously. She knew the two have gotten close but how close? She was glad she wasn't obsessing about Edwardo but didn't want to see Jacob as the rebound for it, he was a good kid and friend. She kept her thoughts to herself as she made her way back into the truck this time she sat in the middle to her dismay.


Jake started unloading the bikes when Katherine's anxiety set in on actually riding a motorcycle and it didn't help that they didn't have helmets. She hasn't rode a bike since she was 13 let alone a motorized two wheeler.

Bella stared at the motorcycle Jake stood in front of.

"You ready?"

"Yeah." Bella got on.

"You look scared." Jake commented.

"I'm not." Bella retorted. Katherine got onto the second bike.

"All right."  His hands slightly hovered over Bella's. "Brake. Clutch. Gas." Katherine took note to what he said. Bella flipped the gas switch and revved up the bike. Katherine hesitantly did the same. "Now slowly release the clutch." She watched Bella seemingly space out for a second before she moved a few steps before stopping.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I wanna go again." She revved up the bike and took off. Katherine followed suit. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she flew down the dirt path. The wind whipped through her hair and a small made its way on her face this was kind of fun. Katherine easily sped up to Bella who kept looking behind her. She saw the way her sister was driving.

"Look straight!" She yelled over the wind and engine. The girl was going to lose control if she didn't watch where she was driving. But before she knew it she watched Bella lose control over her bike and as if on cue flew off and hitting her head on a rock. Katherine gasped as she sped by only to turn around and break hard. Jacob was running up towards them. Katherine ran to her sister whose head was bleeding.

"Bella are you alright?" Jake ran over to them. Bella's eyes were fluttering, recovering from the hit she just took.

"I wanna go again." She said.

"Are you crazy? You just bashed your head open! You are not getting back on one at least not operating one." Katherine exclaimed.

"I agree no more bikes. Let me see your head."

"Oh, my god I'm sorry." Bella said suddenly feeling embarrassed.

"What are you apologizing for bleeding?"

"Yeah, I guess I am."

"Well, it's just blood Bella. It's no big deal." But for them it was at some point when they dated vampires. They had to be careful. Jacob suddenly took his shirt off and pressed it against Bella's wound. Katherine watched Bella gawk at Jake's shirtless form making her want to make fun of her sister. "What are you staring at?"

"You're sort of beautiful." Katherine wanted to gag.

"How hard did you hit your head?"

'Exactly.' Katherine thought.

Jake helped Bella stand and said that we should probably go. Katherine was bummed, she was enjoying the bikes more than she anticipated even if she was of no help in the whole fixing process. So Katherine got on her bike as Jake and Bella got on the other and rode back to the truck. Jake took charge of putting the bikes away and driving back to his place and from there Katherine drove Bella and herself home as it started to become dusk.

"How was your day?" They were greeted by Charlie. Bella moved her hair to cover the gash on her forehead.

"It was good." Bella replied.

"What she said." Was Katherine's reply as she headed for the stairs.

"I ordered pizza should be here soon." He said.






Entwined Limbs >>> R. Hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now