My New Job Is Unexpected Part 1 of 2

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Yukino POV

"Yukino! Stay with me, girl!" A distant voice called. "Wake up!" The sudden loudness forced me from my slumber.

I opened my eyes slowly. A bright light filled my vision as I tried to clear the blurriness.

Attempting to sit up, I was immediately pushed back down by a pair of hands. I looked up and saw a person wearing hospital scrubs and a face mask.

Looking around, I noticed more doctors looking just like them, but one person stands out from the rest. She's wearing a tuxedo.

"Nee-san? What are you doing with that huge needle?" I gulped.

"Yukinoshita-sama," A male doctor spoke. "It's ready."

Nee-san grabbed a pen and filled it with some sort of drug. She roughly grabbed my arm and rolled up my sleeve. 

My eyes widen. "S-Stop it! Please, you're scaring me! I-I don't understand what you're trying to do!" My screams fell on deaf ears as my hopes that someone would stop her and explain weren't met.

"You don't have to! Just give me your arm!"

"N-NO! YOU'RE INSANE!" I could feel my resistance weaken along with my strength as her grip on me tightened.

"SHUT UP!" Nee-san screamed, which made me let out a whimper. Usually, she's far nicer to me than mother. Even though we don't always see eye to eye, why are you doing this, nee-san? Why?

She was about to put the needle in my arm.


"DAMN YOU! THIS IS THE ONLY WAY!" She pinned my arm down and roughly shoved the needle into the point of entrance where it meets my vain on the opposite side of my elbow.


"AAAAAAAH!" I scream in pain.

"One day, you'll understand! I'm sorry, Yukino." A creepy, borderline insane smile plastered onto nee-san's face. "But if all goes according to plan, then... Fufu. Ufufu. Ufufufufufu."

My body began feeling numb as I slowly closed my eyes and lost consciousness. The last thing I remember is hearing her laughter echo.

End of Dream

I jumped awake in fright, the black fur on my kitten body standing on edge as I softly hissed when I felt a hand touch me.

"You okay, Kuro-chan?" That voice... I turned behind me and saw that I'm laying on top of Hikigaya-kun. 

"Mew!" I slowly got off him as I purred to let him know that I'm alright, embarrassed by our position.

Was that really just a dream? It felt so real...


Hachiman POV

"Hachiman, Komachi, I'm sorry, but I cannot give you any allowance for the month," Said dad.

No! How can this be?!

Dad sighed. "You see, your mother and I are very tight on money right now. Unfortunately, our boss at work decided to lay off a lot of employees and reduce our pay."

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