Hachiman Gets A Friendly Request

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On Sunday, I didn't do anything and my weekend flew by. Today is Monday, and I began my usual morning routine. After taking a quick shower, I reached the front door of my house to leave. Stopping to put on my shoes, I heard the sound of very light footsteps.


Looking to my right side next to my feet, I noticed Kuro-chan is trying to climb into my bag. Did I forget to close it again? Sighing, I crouched towards my knees.

"Be a good kitty and try not to attract any attention my way, okay?" I said.


Hoping she got the message, I picked up my schoolbag and headed out, mounting my bicycle. I made it to class and sat down as school began.

The day flew by, and before I knew it, it is already time to go to the club room. Seeing that Yui wants to stay behind for a little to talk with her friends, I quietly made my way towards my destination. Settling down and pulling a light novel out, my peace was shattered after a mere few minutes when the door opened, and Yui entered.


"Yahallo, Hikki! Um... Why did you bring that kitten again?"

I shrugged. "She climbed into my bag, and I think that she would've thrown a fit if I told her to stay at home."

Yui giggled. "I guess she got attached to you, huh." Kuro-chan sat on the table while Yui stroked her head, earning a purr. "You must really love your master."


It is not often that you get to see an energetic dog-lover have fun with a cat. I couldn't help but smile a little at the sight before returning back to my light novel.

After 30 minutes of the peace and quiet that I enjoy, excluding the absence of our club President, a sudden knock came from the door. Yui and I exchanged a quick glance.

Prepared to fulfill my duties as acting club President, I cleared my throat. "You may enter."

The door slid open, and two boys walked in. Showing their manners, both of them said, "Pardon the intrusion."

"Hello. I am Kei Matsumoto, the Captain of the Soubu High baseball team. I am a third year student." Said the taller of the two boys. He spoke in a very formal, disciplined, and respectful tone. He has dark brown eyes and short, straight black hair combed into symmetrical bangs.

The other boy spoke. "And I am Kaji Wakamatsu, the Vice Captain of the Soubu High baseball team. I am a second year student." He has brown eyes and long brown hair.

After Yui and I introduced ourselves, I spoke, "What can we do for you? Do you have a request for the Service Club?"

Kei nodded. "I do. Hikigaya, the baseball team has a problem. You see, during practice, our Third Baseman was injured. He tore his ACL when he got hit in the leg by a ball by an unlucky bounce."

"When did this happen?"

"Yesterday. Hikigaya, our coach is desperate for someone to fill that position. I know that this is unfair of me to ask you since you would probably need to start studying for the upcoming midterm exams, but can you temporarily enlist on the roster? We only have a few games left this season. Our last game is next Friday, and we already have been eliminated from playoff contention due to a few other injuries on key players."

I blinked at him. "Matsumoto-senpai and Wakamatsu-san, what positions do you play?"

"I play First Base." Said the Captain.

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