My Semi-Nihilistic Theory Is Right

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Hachiman POV

What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be alive? I believe in God because there are things that scientific theories, such as the Big Bang Theory, cannot explain; where did the first atoms of the first periodic elements come from? In short, I believe in God, but I do not think there is any true purpose to the existence of life. Everyday, all we humans do is eat, go to school or work, come home, and sleep. Some may argue that our one and only purpose is to reproduce for the sole purpose of the continuity of Homo Sapiens.

I am starting to sound like Kagari [1]! If only I could use Suzuha's time machine to jump to another world line and question God why I am here [2]...

Anyway, getting back to my internal monologue... Where was I? Oh! The purpose of reproduction. If our one purpose in life is to reproduce in droves to overpopulate the Earth, why have kids? Why do so many stupid people choose to have children? I can think of many groups to get rid of so that we can save the world.

Try not to get off topic, Hachiman!

Now, you may be asking yourself why I am having such ridiculous thoughts on situations that I cannot control. It's because something strange happened this morning. Little did I know that it would change my life forever.

Yukino POV

The alarm on my phone went off at 8:00 AM. I slowly opened my eyes, but immediately closed them as the sunlight made its way through my window and onto my face. I stretched and was about to yawn when I heard something that startled me.


Was that a cat? Opening my eyes, I noticed a black... limb? I reached out to shut the alarm on my phone when I noticed that the limb extended its way to my body. I was about to say, "What the hell", but instead...



This cannot be happening. Is this a dream come true? Have I really become a cat? Intrigued by my appearance, I sprinted to the bathroom and jumped onto the counter. Staring into the mirror, what I see before me really is the body of a cat. I have blue eyes, short ears, and a tail.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps approaching my apartment door. The sound of keys being inserted and clicking with a turn gives way for whoever is on the other side to enter my apartment. The feeling of dread fills my stomach as I hear a voice call out.

"Yukino-chan! Are you here? Guess who's here to see you."

It's my sister. This is bad! This is really bad. If she sees me like this, what will she do to me?

"Looks like she already went to school. Oh! Before I leave, I should probably use the bathroom," Nee-san says.

I usually do not panic, but this is really bad, ya kmeow? Did I just think in the voice of a cat?! What in the world is going on here?!

"Ara! What is this? A kitten? I did not know Yukino-chan had a kitten! How cute!" Nee-san exclaims as she picks me up, holding me under my armpits.

That is it, woman! You will now be on the receiving end of the mightiest roar you have ever heard!


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