My Club President's Absence Is Wrong

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Before I begin this chapter, I want my readers to know that I never actually plan what I am going to write for each chapter. The only time I plan for my writing is when I come up with the idea for the premise of my stories. Simply put, I improvise most of my writing.

Also, this story is an original. I was not inspired by any other fanfiction :P

Anyway, drop your reviews and let me know what you think of my story.

I got dressed for school and put my shoes on. Grabbing my bag, I mounted my trusty vessel of transportation and pedaled my way to school. After 10 minutes, I arrived at Sobu High. As I walked to class, I pulled out my phone to check the time, which read 8:27 AM. Feeling relieved that I will not have to face Sensei's One Punch uppercut that results in a concussion, I entered the classroom and made my way to my seat.

Before I could take my seat, I noticed something odd. Something irritating. Why the fuck is everyone staring at me? You people should know that I do not appreciate the attention!

"Hey, Hikitani! What is that you got with you?" Tobe inquired.

I blinked in confusion. "What?"

Tobe was about to open his mouth, but Yui interrupted. "Hikki, you're carrying a cat!" She pointed towards my arm.

I looked towards my right arm, which supported my schoolbag. I thought I closed the zipper all the way, but sticking out of the dark space that held the contents of my bag was a familiar face: Kuro-chan!


Before I could say anything to Hayama's clique, the bell rang and Hiratsuka-sensei walked in, closing the door behind her. Shit. This is bad! I looked towards Kuro-chan and put my index finger onto my nose, hoping the kitten understands that I want her to be quiet. Kuro-chan purred in response. I set my bag down, took a seat, and shifted my attention towards Sensei's lesson, not wanting to get in trouble for falling asleep. However, I couldn't help but let my mind briefly drift and wonder why my furry catpanion [5] would want to accompany me to school.

The day flew by in the blink of an eye, much to my pleasure, and I began heading to the clubroom.

"Hikki, wait up!"

I slowed my pace a tad to allow Yui to catch up.


She simply grinned at me, not asking any questions as to why I, the supposed school creep, have a cute little kitten in my bag. This is why you are my friend, Yui! You allowed me to get comfortable enough to the point where we can eventually address the elephant in the room. Should I say the cat in the room? Anyway, my point is that Yui knows when to say what needs to be said. She can read the mood, unlike a certain mischievous kouhai of mine.

I slid the clubroom door open, prepared to greet our President, but her seat is empty. Stepping in and closing the door behind us, we quickly scanned the room for any sign that Yukinoshita was here, but unfortunately, we lacked any conclusive evidence.

"Hikki, I don't think Yukinon is here..." Yui frowned. "Where could she be? It isn't like her to miss school."


"I'm not sure, Yuigahama. Let's not worry too much. I'm sure she is fine," Said yours truly, the acting President of the Service Club. I took a seat, and Yui copied my actions.

She sighed. "Okay! If you say that Yukinon will be fine, I will just have to trust you."


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