Chapter 12

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I have been pacing my cell for what seems like hours, wondering why Lucy wasn't back yet. What was taking so long? Every time the door opened, I rushed to the edge of my bars to see the state she was in, but it was always just a guard either grabbing a newbie for tests or one of the advanced like me bringing them out for a mission. It wasn't until the door opened again, this time with Simpson sauntering down the hall to my cell.

"You've been called back out."
The door opens and I follow Simpson down the passageways to the room where I can get a shower and change.
"Agent Black will shout at you soon, don't take too long."
Simpson walks out leaving me alone. I'm excited at the thought of getting to see Kade; at least I hope they are sending me after him again? As I shower I can't help worrying about Lucy some more, she never came back. What do I tell Kade when I see him? I dry myself and dress in my usual short black dress; I did think about the red one on the hanger but suspicions would probably arise if I started wearing something different. Slipping on a pair of black heels which had a small red bow on the heel allured sexiness and I felt good. I was just finishing up my hair when Agent Black banged on the door.
"Your van leaves in five minutes."
"I'm ready." I open the door and stand to wait for my instructions.
"We had a location, but it is a little sketchy, you may have to do some digging to find out where he is hiding, I'm sure you can manage it this time?"
"Same target?" I hold his stare.
"Kade Sawyer, take him down."
I give him a nod with my head, when I take Kade down it won't be the way they want me to.

The doors are opened and I'm led outside to the waiting van. I sit in the back staring out at the passing land as I'm taken to my drop-off point. A rush of excitement flooded my body and I wet my lips in the anticipation that I would get to taste his mouth once more. All I can think about is his body and how I want to taste it for different reasons, feel his lips against mine. I shudder as the adrenaline flooded my veins and my heart quickened leaving my core throbbing.

I'm dropped off outside what looks like a grungy dive bar. I'll have to be careful knowing all eyes will be on me in there. I step through the doors and immediately scan the place looking for Kade, but he isn't there. I circle around the bar as every man stares at me, hoping it's them I chose to sit down with. Making my way around the bar I pass a man and instantly my nose floods with cologne that is Kade's. I halt my movements but the man clearly is not Kade. I keep my subtle pace around the bar being eye fucked as I pass but I don't take my eyes off that one particular man. How can he smell exactly like Kade, I don't understand it? The same cologne, the same sweat as him. But this man was much shorter, shaggy blonde hair, his face slightly sunken in, and pale like he's fighting something out of his system that gives him the shakes.

He may not be Kade, but perhaps he knows him. With the right temptress facade, he might just lead me right to him. I pull out the empty barstool next to him and take a seat, saying nothing. I just let my sultry gaze do the introductions.
"Holy fuck! You're the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life!" His unfiltered mouth let me know he had about one too many drinks, perfect for spilling the details of Kade's whereabouts.
"My name's Ben, can I buy you a drink?" he asked but I quietly shook my head no with a smile.
"No? Oook, what's your name?"
"What do you say you take me somewhere a little more...private and then I'll tell you my name," I grazed my fingers up his forearm feeling his subtle shakes and cold sweats.
"Fuck yeah," he trembled under my touch and I just knew he already had a hard-on.
"I'm staying at a place just around the corner."
"Lead the way then...Ben."
He quickly got up, leaving far too much cash for his tab, and wobbled on feet before I followed him to the exit. Walking along the dark side streets, I almost felt watched for a second but my mind wandered thinking this part of the city looked familiar, like from a past life or something.

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