"Good, delicious. As always..."

I kept my eyes on my side. "You went back to hating tomatoes? I thought..."

I knew it. This guy, he knew nothing about pregnancy even after handling one. "That was because of my craving Jay. I don't mind eating them these days but I'd rather not."

He nodded fast before silently picking at his chicken.

I sighed. "Why didn't you make any stake?"

He looked up, chocolate eyes shining and swirling with emotions. "You don't like them. Or did that change after-"

"No, it didn't. I know that I don't like stake. But, you could've made something the both of us could eat."

"No, it's fine. Chicken is good. I don't hate it so..."

We went back to silence again.

I had so many questions, but they were all unnecessary when I was going to go tomorrow. There was no need for more heartbreaks. But, Jay had other ideas.

"How's, the baby?"

"Good," I answer truthfully. "She was a little hard to handle at first but then I had the nurses to help me before I discharged. Sofia," I mention my best friend, "she's with me almost everyday to help so it isn't that big of a deal. Rosy's, healthy."

"How... how was the l-labor?" I knew this question would come. "Was Sofia with you when... when..."

"When I felt the pain?" He nodded. "No, she wasn't. She was shopping, clothes for Rosy but she came to the hospital right away. We suspected the delivery to be a few days after but she decided to come early." I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to know more, so I sighed and responded. "I called my neighbor and he took me to the hospital. He was there the whole time too, such a great man, honestly.

"His wife was so proud when she came home from late work. The labor itself wasn't what I expected. Obviously, everyone knows that it hurts but... the pain," I thought of how to explain it, siping on the cold water. I only wanted to start drinking after a while of Rosy growing. "There's no words to explain how it actually feels. I remember it so well yet, it's all a blur. One has to be there to know it, you know?"

I didn't mean it like I was indicating something, but that's how it turned out.

Again, Jay didn't say anything. We finished our dishes after and I helped clean the place, reminding him that I wasn't pregnant anymore. I had to spell out each word, saying that I was still a guy, someone with everything the same, except for some inner parts of course.

Then, when I was getting ready to leave, he suddenly stopped me.

"Watch a movie with me? Please? Before you go?"

He had to keep reminding me that I was leaving. He kept saying it as if I was the one leaving him? Like, it was all my fault that we were as awkward as we're.

I didn't talk back though, because it didn't matter. I was going to leave tomorrow, never coming back, anyways.

"Fine. Only one though. I don't want to burden Sofia more than she's already receiving."

With that, we sat side by side, decent amount of space in between, a can of coke for Jay and a glass of water for me, on the couch. The tv screened the list of movies and Jay was quick to select Ironman.

I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking. If he thought he could change my mind with a help of my favorite movie, then he could give up instead. There was no going back for me.

In the End [MxM] | Short Story ✔️Where stories live. Discover now