Finally, he finished with a triumphant smirk on his face. He breathed, getting up from the seat and stretching slightly. "That was amazing!" you said, hugging him close.

"I am glad you thought so" he said, hugging you back. "I have never had an audience before"

"Well I am already your biggest fan" you said.

"I am glad" he said, going slightly red.

"Do you want to have some tea and then you play the cello?" you asked.

"Sounds wonderful" he said, kissing your lips and tickling your chin with his finger. You grinned into him and wrapped your arms closer around him.

You had tea and biscuits and then Severus sat down to play the cello as you got back onto the bed, watching Severus as he watched you from where he sat, slowly he began to play the music.

(Bach's Gamba Sonata number 3)

The cello playing was different from the piano, it was much smoother and Severus watched you, for the most part, watching your face as you smiled, relaxing to the music. He loved how you reacted to him playing, you could feel his emotion in his playing and it made him smile, knowing you understood him so well.

Severus looked down at the cello, watching his fingers as he masterfully played the music, he closed his eyes and let the music take over and guide him. You watched Severus, smiling at his playing, he was so handsome when he played, looking calm, the tension in his face relaxing.

Severus smiled slightly and you laid down your head on the bed, letting the music overtake you. You snuggled up into the covers and just listened, soon falling asleep, lulled by the music.

You woke to a bow to the face, Severus poking you with it. You made a noise and woke with a start.

"Let us hope it was not boredom that caused you to sleep" he said, sitting back down.

"I was lulled by your beautiful playing" you said, looking over at him.

"My playing must have magical properties" he said, sitting back down.

"Extremely magical" you answered.

"I am sure you will not sleep to this" he said, smirking. "I wasn't going to play it, but" he smirked. "It might wake you up."

(Petals by Kaija Saariaho)

He started playing something, it was squeaky and discordant, growing in strength and sound as he carried on creating strange and discordant music and you looked at him, a smirk was on his lips as he carried on playing the music while staring at you.

"What are you playing?" you asked, confused

"Petals darling" he said, keeping on staring at you. "Do you like it?"

"Kinda" you mumbled, listening to it as he carried on paying the discordant music.

"Well it will get you awake" he said, carrying on creating strange sounds with his cello.

"It has" you said watching him from the bed. Severus smirked and watched you with his dark eyes as he carried on creating strange sounds with his cello.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" you asked.

Severus chuckled, stopping playing and stood, pushing the bow into your forehead. "I thought I should punish you for sleeping" he murmured. "Play something which hurts most people's ears."

"You make everything sound good" you said, staring sweetly at him. Severus shook his head and sat back down, starting to play another piece of music.

(Concerto for Violoncello and orchestra by Luigi Boccherini)

This music was much less discordant than the last one he played, and Severus eyes' closed again, swaying slightly as he played. You watched him play and fell even further in love with him, the way he moved and a slight smile rested on his face as he played. You laid your head down, watching him at an angle.

His eyes opened and he smirked, stopping, standing, you opened your eyes. "My little precious is awake" he said. "I hadn't managed to lull you to sleep again"

"You were close to" you said, smirking.

"I should try harder" he said, sitting down and playing a lullaby on his cello.

You laid your head down and Severus watched you as you began to drift asleep as Severus played the gentle lullaby. He smiled as you slept, carrying on playing until you started to gently snore. Severus put the cello down quietly and slowly got onto the bed, careful not to wake you up. Carefully he got you up and tucked you under the covers with him. You slept and Severus smiled, kissing your temple and snuggling up with you. What a perfect evening it had been.

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