- Then why do we live? What is the meaning of the existence of a person without feelings? Don't we live and act on human feelings? If we don't feel anything, is it worth living? It is a sin to live like that.

- Individuals with low IQ cannot understand us. Like geniuses, we do not get emotional, we act with logic and rational thinking.

- You are destroying us with this IQ of yours. I think you should pay attention to emotions. If you don't, I will leave you!

- Really? Do you really want to leave me and return to that old misery? Don't you remember the sufferings you experienced? Have you forgotten the times when you sat alone in that little white box? You forgot to be bored all day looking at the white space? Do you still believe that you can live without me? I saved you from that misery. I'm your savior! Don't you understand that if I stop, you will perish? You will lose your existence by becoming an ordinary person! What do you want, to live a constant meaningless boring life?

-I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of how I'm gonna die!

-Then you should accept my proposal.

- Your proposal is cruel! I do not want such an end! What will you do after all this? Will you play chess for the rest of your life? Alone? I don't wanna be alone.

- No! We have us! You and I are both. We don't need anyone else. As long as I'm here, you won't feel lonely, you won't be bored!

- Please, let's end it, they are my friends. I do not want to do that!

- We are not the guys who left work unfinished. If we started a business, we will make it to the end.

- It is enough to hurt, injure and destroy people. Let's stop all these games. Finishing these plays is the best way.

- Stop! I don't wanna talk about this anymore. You know you can't stop me. You just wanna run away from hardships like a coward. Why don't you understand this is the only way of our salvation.

- I don't understand I think being bored something that we need. Boredom helps us to move forward.

- Idiot! We are always bored. This boredom inside us always growing. After doing all these crazy things we still feel the same. Bored! We need to finish this!

- Our sins do not end. We will regret it.

- Never, this game should not stop. This is better than doing nothing, even if it is dangerous. According to Dante, people who do nothing in their lives are not allowed to go to heaven or hell. They just stand outside the hell's gate. They are not even accepted by the devil. I can't accept that. I agree to go to hell at least.

- Nobody cares whether you are accepted or not. Nobody cares what you do. If you don't bother them, others won't even think about you.

-Calm down! Let's play chess instead!

- Throw away that damned chessboard! Stop this game! What is interesting about chess? Why are you playing it?

- Chess represents real life. It is the mirror of our socio-economic world. The society we live in is like chess. Do you see the figures on the table? Pawns move in the hope of becoming a strong piece in the future, knights that always jump from the difficulties they face in game, bishops that can never go straight, mighty rooks get stuck in the corner for the rest of the game, the queen who has all power and the king that needs the support and protection of all these figures. All these pieces depict statutes among people. Pawns represent the poor dreamer people; knights, rooks, bishops represent the middle class; Queen depicts rich people and the power in their hands, and King represents the government that exists with all these people's help.

- So you choose chess because of this nonsense?

- No, to be honest, the reason why chess is in this story is that our writer friend loves chess, even though he can't play it. The last thing in the hands of this poor guy is a chessboard and figures. He does not know what to do with them. He does not know how to manage all his dreams, thoughts, life. He is stuck in them. He is at a dead end, he is in a complete impasse. He can't stand all this ... He can't live ...

- Nobody cares about this stupid writer! It's our story, our feelings. I will not let him share his shitty problems in this story! Don't let it affect you! This is our story! These are our emotions! No one can interfere in the flow of this story! Just forget everything. Remember, we are geniuses and at the same time we are stupids, we are many and we are one. We are Mikush and we are not. We are just nothing.

- I think we exchanged our roles again...

- What is inside you? Is it a feeling, an emotion, a revolution? Why are you doing all this? Don't you realize that by doing all this, you are destroying yourself? Don't you understand that you will be alone, lonely? You will not be saved.

- You are the only one for me! You will not leave me alone.

- Don't you understand yet? I am you and you are me! I am the burning emotions inside you! Always trying to protect you, being your part. I am the feelings that increase as you grow, develop as you touch and move. I am your ego, who will never leave you.

-We are one!


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