Chapter 18:"Little Hope"

Start from the beginning

Marvollo braid his hair into a Braid Behind his head from each side of his hair and tie it with a silver ribbon with his Dragon Hairpin who goes active make the Dragon goes alive clutching his hair and goes limp like a normal Silver Dragon Hairpin.

It was like a Crown for the Prince in the Royal Family, Only a Pendragon family can make the hairpin go alive who protected the heir of the Family. Hadrian is a Lord supposedly but he still 12 years old now so he still an Heir.

Marvollo still remembers his mother who protected him, He killed his parents on his birthday in cold blood. It is still a mystery for him that his little flower forgave him, he doesn't deserve his kindness

He snap back form his dark though when a warm engulfed his hand make him look up saw Hadriana who look at him from the Mirror with his Gentle Smile and a Fondness in his Emerald Eye

*It's eigi þinn vina, þú veit* (It's not your fault, You know...) Hadrian say learned at him look up

A Crimson eye meets an Emerald Eye in silence...

*ty ne hafsanityr er v stalo a ten Stařík hrál s tvým Strachem... své eigi þinn chyba. Þat var voldemort chyba. Þú eru Marvollo Lannister Gaunt, Dědic německé a švédské královské rodiny....* (You didn't have sanity when that happened and that Old Man played with your Fear... It's not Your fault. It was Voldemort Fault. You are Marvollo Lannister Gaunt, Heir of the German and Sweden Royal Family...) Hadrian say to him with clear and firm voice

Marvollo took a shuddering breath, He never let anyone see his weakness, he always has his cold and stone mask and yet this person can see his mask-like an open book. He didn't judge him of his weakness

"You don't need to be ashamed of your Weakness... You have just been strong for too Long..."

That word echoed in his mind and so he let his Little Flower to see his emotion, weakness and feeling. He knows that he never betrayed him like those people, He know that he will never fear him like those people.

*hvat þinn strach nú,minn Drottinn (what your fear now, My Lord?) Hadrian ask

Marvollo took a deep breath and embrace him let his arm to circled his waist and let his head fall into his shoulder

*Ek ótta ek knáttlátar þú til ten starý muž ...Obávám se, že ode mě odejdeš,elskan mín* (I fear i might lose you to that Old man... I fear that you are going to walk away from me, My Dear...) Marvollo whisper

Hadrian giggled pat his hair and leaned at his head,*pošetilý... ek nikdy tě neopustím Jsem ty ... ég er þinn.Nakonec mě tu noc označíš za rovnocenného* (Silly... I'm never gonna leave you. I'm Yours.. You mark me as your equal on that night after all...)

Marvollo smirk look at those beautiful Emerald Eye,*Reyndar ert þú mín* (Indeed, you are mine..)

Hadrian exhale when Marvollo kiss his forehead and he straighten his clothes,"Let's go, it's already 8.30"

They go outside the Room and go to the Dining Room saw the Adult already wake up. They greet them 'Good morning' with Hadrian who saw a Present make him blink

"Oh... This morning you got a present..." Sirius say to him

"Oh..." Hadrian read the name,"Uh, From Draco, Susan, Hannah, Cedric, Cho, The Twin and..." He scrunched his nose,"Weasley and Dumbledore..."

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