"Wrong you say." Louis ignored the last bit and smirked a little to Harry whom was now questioning his existance because he didn't mean to say that part.

"Forget I said anything."

"You want to do stuff, don't you?" Louis felt smug when Harry stuttered out his decline, he knew he was getting to him. "You sure? I mean it would put you to sleep."


"You sure?" Louis pulled them closer together by Harry's waist and now facing Harry with this dick's brushing together. "You told me you wanted to do more things with me, so why not now?"

"Because its wrong, we shouldn't have done that."

"Are you really going to keep saying that bullshit everytime before we hook up?"

"We're not hooking up, we're just-"

"-playing with eachother? Does it help now that I've sugar coated it?" Harry rolled his eyes, just as Louis began to tighten his grip on him.

"Why can't you just accept the fact that you enjoy fooling around like this? It's not like I'm going to judge you."

"Maybe you won't, but what about my parents? My family-our friends? You may not care that much but I do. Plus this is still new and weird to me."

"So you admit that you like this then!"

"I didn't, I just said that it's weird for me to process that I'm allowing you to touch me like this."

"But you are okay with it though, right?" Harry didn't reply, but Louis didn't know if that was a yes or a no.

"Do we have to talk about this? I'm already really angry about our entire situation, plus I've got shit to do with Oliva tommorow and I'm really stressed and annoyed."

"What do you have to do?"

"A dinner date, not something I really want to do but I've got no choice. Do you have work tommorow?"

"Yeah, plus Holly is bringing me the rest of my stuff."

"Like what? We've got you're clothers, what else could you need?"

"My sex toys." Harry made a face, but it quickly changed when he heard Louis' laugh. "I'm kidding Harry, I've got some money there and she needs the key to the house, I need her to do something for me."

"Can't she just ask your parents? And why are you talking so secretive?"

"I've got shit Harry, things that you don't need to know."

"Your not doing anything illegal though, right?"


"Okay, just checking."

"Worried?" Louis teased, Harry rolled his eyes. "God no, just curious."


"I am."

"And I believe you."

"You don't sound like you do." Harry pointed out, but Louis ignored it and continued teasing him until he got tired of it. "So like...what was Holly over reacting about at the bar?"

"Just something really stupid-it's not that intresting or big."

"Yeah okay, but what was it?"

"Long story." Harry didn't bother to press the question further, he was already in a mood and he didn't want anymore bullshit to add to it.

Handcuffed To My Bully | Larry Stylinson Fanfic ✔Where stories live. Discover now