Ten (Final chapter)

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I Published another Yoongi FF named "seesaw"

When you come back home it was nearly 10p.m

Yoongi went in his apartment.

Your p.o.v

I shouldn't have fall for him.Look how my situation is right now!

he'll not accept me!What if he leave this apartment! But I can't help with this washing machine here!

You said to yourself while pointing on you heart.

I will confess tomorrow

End of your p.o.v


Yoongi was tossing and turning on his bed thinking the best way to propose you when he already guessed that he will get rejected.

But still he should try.

Yoongi's p.o.v

I can't keep this anymore!!! I will tell her very soon!

Min Yoongi! YOU can do it!

End of Yoongi's p.o.v

While thinking all these you drifted into your dreamland.

Next Day

"I will confess today!"

This is the first thing you said after waking up.

Your p.o.v

But how?when?

Aish first I need to go to my damn office :)

Get up Y/N

End of your p.o.v

The whole day you were thinking how to tell him and to your bad luck you Didn't find any nice idea.

Time Skip

"You Can Do It y/n!"

You told yourself.You're standing in front of Yoongi's apartment. Rethinking your decision.

Your p.o.v

Should I knock?what will I tell?

But I need to tell him!

Okay Y/N deep breath!You can do it!!!Get ready to get rejected!

End of your p.o.v

With that you knocked on his door.

After sometime he opened the door.

Your p.o.v

He Didn't even ask who is it

End of your p.o.v

Yoongi:I saw you  through the peephole.


Yoongi:What?are you coming in or should I close the door?

Yoongi's p.o.v

Can I kill myself?Who talks like this?!She definitely hates me!

But THIS IS HOW I ACTUALLY TALK! This is my actual self.

Aish things are getting messed up

End of Yoongi's p.o.v

Hotline [Min Yoongi FF] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now