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It's 1a.m.You are preparing to go to bed.But you got interrupted by a knock on Your door.

Your p.o.v

Who the hell is here at this time? Thief? I'm  scared right now.What should I do?!call police? Aish first I need to see who's knocking.

End of your p.o.v

You took a vase with you for safety.

You :Who is it?

???:Open the door

Your p.o.v

Yoongi?Yeah this voice belongs  to him.But why is he here at this time.

End of your p.o.v

You opened the door revealing  yoongi with his pajamas on and he's hugging a pillow.

You:Yoongi.....why are you here?

Yoongi:Let me in

He Didn't wait for your response and came inside while walking like a zombie.

You:Yah!Stop ignoring me and tell me why are you here!

Yoongi:Are you talking to me?

You:...........I Don't see anyone here except you

Yoongi:I'm very sleepy but I will tell you why I am here because you let me in

You:.....okay now tell me.

Yoongi:My house flooded.


Yoongi:Yeah....when I was sleeping I heard some weird I come out and saw I Didn't close the tap when I was washing up earlier. And now water is everywhere in my house.

You :The fuck you did!what if the water reach my house!

Yoongi:I turned off the tap

You:So why  are you here when you already turned off that shitty tap

Yoongi:I Don't know how to fix it and stuff so I called a helper but he'll come tomorrow so yeah....I can't sleep there.

You:okay fine

Yoongi:Ok good night

He laid down  on your bed.

You :What the fuck! why are you sleeping here!

Yoongi:You know you curse too much.

You :and now you are judging me!Get off from my bed!Go and sleep in the other room!

Yoongi:I can't get up now.I Don't want to waste my energy. You go and sleep there.

You:I can't fall asleep in other bed and I have WORK tomorrow

Yoongi:Then sleep here.


He Didn't  say anything and you heard snoring.

Your p.o.v

What the- he already fell asleep!Aish I...what do I do....stop thinking Y/N!I'll sleep here!It's my bed!

End of Your p.o.v

You placed a pillow between you guys.

You :I know you are not sleeping! Don't you dare to cross the line Min Yoongi or I will kick your ass out of my house!



You laid down and fell asleep.

In the morning.......

You sleep got interrupted by the sound of your alarm.

But who cares!You were still sleeping. But after sometime magically your alarm turned off.

Yoo opened your eyes to see what caused the alarm go off.

And to your surprise You were hugging a human Pillow named Min  Yoongi.He was directly looking at you.

Your faces were inches apart.

Your p.o.v

The fuck!How!when!how did I end up emd this position!

I finally looked at him....he was looking at me.I scanned his facial features. Perfect.... How  can be someone so perfect looking!

I'm sure my face is looking like a tomato now!

End of your p.o.v

Yoongi's p.o.v

This girl....she told me not to cross that line and now She's the one who crossed it and hugging me like a koala.

She's looking so adorable  with this confused face😂😂I really wanna poke her cheeks

End of Yoongi's p.o.v

Yoongi:Take a picture


You:Take a picture of mine so that you can stare  for so long.

You :Y-yah!

You got embarrassed  and released the hug.

You cleared your throat.

Yoongi:You know someone told me not to cross the pillow line yesterday. But she crosses it.

You :Yaaaah!!!!

You slapped his arm.

Yoongi:Yah!why are you hitting me!

You:because I want to!Now get off!I need to go office!

Yoongi:Aish...I'm not telling anything Because you let me sleep here.

He got out from the room.

You did your morning routine and went to your living room.....but to your amaze you found yoongi sleeping on the couch

Your p.o.v

He's still in my house! Why is sleeping here!

End of Your p.o.v

You:Yah Olaf!Wake up wake up!

Yoongi opened one of his eyes and looked at you.


You :Don't you have office or something! Why are you still here!

Yoongi :huh?Oh shit!

He stood up.

You:This man......

You opened the door amd Yoongi was also with you

But you saw someone standing  in front of Your house whom you Didn't want to see.



You:what are you doing did you find my house

Eugeo:Y/N please come back to me.

You : stop this shit Eugeo and get lost.I'm not coming back

Eugeo:why!I know you still love me

You:who told you.Fuck off Eugeo

Eugeo :You really have the guts to say me all these!

Yoongi :And you really have the guts to ask all these shitty things to MY girlfriend

He said without breaking the eye contact with you

Yoongi shifted his gaze to Eugeo and raised one of his eyebrow

You almost forgot that Yoongi is here.

To Be Continued

Please vote for this FF.💜Borahe....

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