022 | 𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Add onto that, we can easily access and contact the school. And in exchange jujutsu sorcerers can freely access and exorcise curses in Yokohama without the Mafia tailing after them."

The ginger haired man clasps his hands together. "Furthermore, this alliance or ceasefire will most likely benefit you more than it benefits the mafia." He sighed. "It's a selfish thing for both of us to agree on, but we talked it out with the rest of the executives, most of them are in favor."

"So what do you say, Yaga-san?"

The principal pondered. "This woman you are talking about, I think she may have been affiliated with Getou Suguru."

"That nasty woman with black and yellow hair?" Asked Gojo "She's a psychopath."

"That woman is Bianca Hunters." Chuuya confirmed. "She was formerly the Mafia's resident scientist. Due to incidents...." he paused "she had escaped execution. We're still looking for her."

"Her ability: Master of the one eyed Demon; lets her gain control of the things she created even for a second."Chuuya added.

"Even for a mere second, her control is fatal.  With just a second of her control the host will most likely go berserk afterwards."


"You're crazy." Maki remarked crossing her arms. "That plan is incredibly risky."

Yukiko grinned. "Well then, I assume we'll continue with plan A?"

"If anything wrong happens and we may have to resort using plan B, we don't." Panda said. "We'll figure it out."

"Salmon" Toge agreed. He grabbed Yukiko's hands, silently begging her to to go through plan B.

"Say Yukiko?"

"What is it Yuuta-senpai?"

"Promise me, not to use corruption again? Please."

Understanding the silent message he was trying to reach out to her, Yukiko lowered her head gazing at her feet.

"I understand." She spoke silently bringer her head to look up at everyone. "I understand," she repeated. "We'll win this without anyone getting seriously hurt."

Nobara jabbed her side "Nor you risking yourself, you self-sacrificing idiot."

"Ah, I swear" Yukiko groaned playfully pushing the dyed ginger female "What's up with you guys abusing me today?" She laughed.



The pink haired male turned to look at Fushiguro who called his name.

"Are you alright?" The ravenette asked.

"I've gotten myself a big role thanks to Dazai." He grinned "but I should be fine."

Megumi narrowed his eyes, further inquiring the male if anything happened when he (Itadori) was.. well— dead.

Itadori confirmed that something indeed happened. But he's not lying when he said he's fine. Though, he feels after what happened, Yuuji didn't want to lose to anybody.

Megumi nodded in understanding.

"I kinda don't want to lose either." He remarks.

His comment, however wasn't left unheard by Kugisaki and the rest.

"The hell do you mean 'kinda'?" The ginger haired female exclaimed "We're going for total victory!" She declared. "For Maki-san's sake!" Kugisaki added.

"Please stop that." The green haired female sighed.

"Mentaiko!" Inumaki encouraged.

Panda agreed, "For Maki-san's sake!" He teased.

Before Yukiko could open her mouth to join in the fun, Maki already wrapped an arm around her and covered her mouth with her other hand.


"Not a word from you." She furrowed her brows "Please."

Yuuji chuckled.

"With that said..."

"Let's win."


"Just who the hell do you think you are taking the lead huh?" The female second year scowled kicking Itadori who yelped in response.

Well, so much for a badass chapter ending...

*Motion - it is the topic under dispute in a debate. Typically given in statements.

For example: THBT (this house believes that) torture is justified when used for national security

*Philosophy debate - idk how to properly explain this, but philosophy debates are more harder than regular (policy and value judgement) debates. Because participants must dig a little deeper into the motion, where in they need to  rationalize something to dive into a better understanding of that topic. It's the most complicated debate for me but it's the most fun to participate in, because it somehow defies all logic (?) and what you want the adjudicators to believe is that your point of view is right and the other side is wrong.

Philosophy debates tests the Debater's understanding towards varied concepts regarding various to facets of life.

Here's what I imagined Bianca Hunters to look like (made w/ Picrew)

Here's what I imagined Bianca Hunters to look like (made w/ Picrew)

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

No April Fools joke cuz our government is enough of a clown :>

I tried to be as chaotic as Gogol (he will be a pain to write if I ever consider it aaaaaahhh) but nahh I'm too lazy jk

(I was gonna plan on pranking you guys saying I'm gonna discontinue the story or leave Wattpad but I don't think my lovely friend iKONICjulia20 would let you guys believe me because of a our chats HAHAHA she gonna pull the simp magnet card on meeee xD)

Also because I'm a nice person and I only prank my uncles.. (I tossed a stuffed toy from the staircase scaring the sh!t outta my uncle while he's on call w/ my dad lol)

(Hindi Ako namura Kaya OK lang HAHAHAHA)

I have a newsletter to revise and homework to finish hehehe
See you on my next update
Thank you for supporting Lost Paradise!

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