I Love You (Forever and Always)

Start from the beginning

"Okay, thanks again." Kuroo thanked as he put his card back.

Kuroo picked up his case with his left hand and had the ring box held with his right hand.  Ito had parked right in front of the shop, so Kuroo didn't have to walk very far.  He entered his car and dropped his case right next to him.

"Did you get what you needed sir?" Ito asked.

"Yep, thanks for driving up here." Kuroo stated, admiring the ring once again.

Ito began driving, "No problem, it's just my job. Anyways what did you buy?"

Kuroo responded as he put the box away in his pocket, "I bought something for my future wife, if she says yes anyways."

"Future congrats to you sir." Ito said with a smile.

*Meanwhile in Tokyo*

Y/N worked at her own small cafe with her other two workers, who she had hired a while back.

The bell from the top of Y/N's cafe door rang and a tall man with grey hair had just walked in.  He wore a suit with some dark shades, assuming that Y/N didn't know his identity.  He walked up to the register area, where Y/N finished helping a customer.

"Wait Lev san?" Y/N said, coming out from behind the register area.

"Dang it, I wasn't sneaky enough," Lev thought to himself.

"Hey Y/N chan, long time no see," Lev greeted, opening his arms for Y/N.

The two hugged each other before Y/N lead Lev to a table. Y/N sat Lev dowb before heading to the back of the cafe.

"Hey Yoshikazu chan, Misumi chan, do you guys mind being in charge for now?" Y/N asked, popping into the back of the cafe.

"Yeah no problem boss," Misumi replied, "you should catch up with your friend right now."

"Thanks you two," Y/N thanked, before she walked back out.

Y/N sat down in front of Lev to catch up.

"How'd you know it was me?" Lev pouted.

"I mean you're still as tall as ever," Y/N smiled, "and you're the only person i know who could pull off grey hair."

"I guess," Lev hummed laying his head down on the table.

"It's nice that you still kept your childish personality after all these years." Y/N commented.

"I'll just take that as a compliment, the jet lag kinda got to me and it's even tiring to argue."

"Then how come you didn't sleep on your first day off?" Y/N asked.

"I wanted to see everyone, with the two weeks I have off." Lev stated, "It's nice having my manager allowing me to get a break, we all haven't seen each other in a month."

"If you're here in Japan, then isn't Alisa san here too?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, she wanted to see you, but she had an anniversary with her girlfriend today," Lev answered, setting his head down on the table, "she wanted to surprise her with something."

"That makes sense, her girlfriend came by the other week to talk about how excited she was for the anniversary." Y/N noted.

"I was wondering," Y/N began, "how long are you staying in Japan?"

"Like around two weeks, that's what my manager told me anyways," Lev answered, "and then it's off to somewhere else, why'd you asked."

"We should meet up with our friends," Y/N suggested, "and we could also invite, Mai san, Akane san, Alisa san, and her girlfriend."

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