"Wen Qing from the Wen clan of Qishan. Under orders from his excellency to attend this lecture." She gestured to the boy beside her, "This is my little brother, Wen Ning."

Wei Wuxian's heart got caught in his throat as he observed the wens, pupils dilated in shock. 'Wen Qing... Wen Ning..!'

"Young Master Wen," Wei Wuxian stepped forward, a genial smile present on his face, a bright contrast to the hatred swirling inside. "You yourself said that you weren't invited. So... why exactly are you 'allowing' these people from your clan to attend the lectures?"

As Wen Chao's gaze moved to him, it took all of Wei Wuxian's willpower not to shove his face into the floor; after all, it would stain the white carpet an ugly shade of red. "And who are you supposed to be?"

"I don't know..." Wei Wuxian tilted his head in contemplation even as he pushed down the urge to grin. "Who do you think I am?"

"Don't try to play games with me, little boy." Wen Chao's voice thundered within the room. "If I so desired, I could have you killed right here and now."

"Oh really?" Wei Wuxian challenged. "It seems to me like your 'daddy' isn't much better either. I mean... killing anyone who dares to get on his nerves. Perhaps seclusion would do him some good too, dontcha think?"

Wen Chao's eyes flared with anger, something that had Wei Wuxian briefly flinching in... fear? 'I'm not scared of Wen Chao, so why...?'

"Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Wanyin yelled, pulling his brother back by the arm, breaking him out of his reverie. He then turned to Wen Chao and slightly bowed his head, "I apologise for his behaviour, Young Master Wen. Recently, he... he hasn't been in the best state of mind. He meant nothing by it."

Wei Wuxian openly gaped as he heard Jiang Cheng's words. "You- Did you just call me crazy?!"

"I think I just did," Jiang Wanyin spoke in a hush whisper. "Now lower your head and tell him you're sorry!"

"It is quite alright, Young Master Jiang." Wen Chao scoffed, "His affliction is something he cannot help. Next time, I ask that you reign him in properly."

"Of course."

"And you," His gaze flickered to Wei Wuxian, "If this happens again, let's see if you can keep smiling until the end."

"Ah, Wei Ying," Wen Chao gently caressed Wei Wuxian's back as they hovered above the field of resentful energy, "Let me see if you can keep smiling until the end!"

Wei Wuxian's breath stuttered as he attempted to shake away the thoughts–the vivid images—that began to take place within his mind.

"You are going to be trapped here for eternity!"

"Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Wanyin was quick to try to shake his brother into reality. "Wei Wuxian! Can you hear me?"

He closed his eyes, reminiscing the old days at lotus pier, when it still stood proudly and flourished under the governorship of Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan. "Shijie, it's so dark here... How long has it been? Hours? Days? Months?"

"A-Xian!" Jiang Yanli cried, "A-Xian, are you alright?!"

"Lady Jiang, are you aware of what's happening to Young Master Wei? Has it happened before?"

"Y- Young Master Lan," She whispered. "A few times.. but not like this. It was after he had a nightmare about when he was a child.."

"I see.. It is possible that Second Young Master Wen had triggered a memory of some sort.." Lan Xichen kneeled down beside Wei Wuxian and gently rubbed his back comfortingly, "Young Master Wei, are you with us? Can you hear what I'm saying?"

"Wei Wuxian, you are a monster!"

"The Yiling Laozu is such a fiend! He murdered his sister's husband, and if that wasn't traumatising enough for poor Jiang Cheng, he then murdered his own sister!"

"Wei Wuxian!"

"Die, you vile demon!"

"Wei Wuxian, this is revenge for my family!"

"Do you feel no shame?! The Jiangs kindly took you in yet you repay them with this!"

"Go to hell!"

"Wei Wuxian!"

"Wei Wuxian!"

"Wei Ying."

The familiar comforting voice wrought clarity to Wei Wuxian's mind as he hesitantly glanced up, eyes colliding with the piercing golden ones he'd so frequently found comfort in.

"Lan Zhan.." he whispered before rushing into his arms.

Although he himself didn't know why, Lan Wangji gladly held him in his embrace. He usually hates physical contact — but if it was Wei Ying, it seemed to be okay.

The crowd of disciples surrounding them each gaped, their eyes unwilling to believe what they saw–for Lan Wangji, the cold, ice-block-of-a-man who despised physical contact, was allowing a Jiang disciple to hug him!

With his head in Lan Zhan's chest, Wei Ying sobbed. "The voices.." he whimpered, still trembling. "The voices won't go away."

Lan Wangji hesitated for a moment, as if scared, before giving into his conscience and replying soothingly,

"I'm here."

The words were comforting. After a long episode, Wei Ying eventually fell asleep in Lan Zhan's embrace.

* * *

I cringed about 24 times while editing this, but persevered because yk.. I also changed a couple things 'cause they didn't really match up nor was it smooth sooo yeah-

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