Bound - Part two

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Revised 19/02/23
Er. So apparently I hadn't posted this last week. My bad.

* * *

When Wei Wuxian came to, it was to the familiar scent of lotus and mint, as well as a soft embrace encompassing him, his head tucked into a purple-clad shoulder.

"...Jiang Cheng?" he murmured, rapidly blinking his eyes to clear away the blurriness of sleep. "You...where are you taking me to?"

Jiang Cheng slightly jostled, his hold on Wei Wuxian slipping a fraction before he replied with a non-committal sound between a grunt and a sigh.

Wei Wuxian's voice was hoarse and scratchy as he continued to whine, slowly rubbing his cheek on Jiang Wanyin's shoulder. "Jiang Cheng, don't ignore me! Cheng Cheng!

"Who are you calling Cheng Cheng?!" came a loud retort, vibrating against Wei Wuxian's stomach. Wei Wuxian smiled despite himself.

"I'm referring to you, didi," he said. "Where are you taking me? Where's Lan Zhan?"

"Lan Zhan this, Lan Zhan that, Wei Wuxian, do you have an obsession with him or something?" Jiang Wanyin snapped.

In truth, he felt pretty disgruntled that the first thing Wei Wuxian asked was for Lan Wangji...Not even a 'thank you' or a 'you're so good to me'...He's his brother, for heaven's sake! Shouldn't he always be first priority?

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry..." said Wei Wuxian apologetically. "I'm only worried for him because he just got punished, really!"

Jiang Wanyin huffed a sigh but nevertheless didn't respond.

" this the part where I ask you if you're jealous?" said Wei Wuxian, feeling suddenly mischievous.

"Be thankful I'm even carrying you. I could throw you off any second!"

"I love you too, Cheng Cheng, hahaha!"

Moments later, they were just turning the corner when Jiang Cheng abruptly stopped, almost having toppled over into another's chest.

"Zewu-Jun, hi!" said Wei Wuxian good-naturedly.

"Ah, Young Master Wei, just the person I wanted to see," said Lan Xichen, smiling politely. He turned to Jiang Wanyin next, and their eyes met; Wei Wuxian saw that they seemed to have some sort of hidden understanding...Just what were they playing at? "Young Master Jiang."

"How's Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian blurted out. "Is he okay? How bad are his injuries?"

Lan Xichen's smile faded into a grimace, "In fact, that was just what I wanted to speak with you about. Wangji is perfectly fine; thank you for asking. I'm sure that will make him very happy," he said. "Currently, Wangji is resting in a special pool to heal his injuries and should be in top condition very soon. I was wondering if you would like to join him, seeing as you are also badly wounded."

Wei Wuxian's eyes shone with both recognition and anticipation, "Of course, I'd be happy to join him! If he'll have me, of course."

* * *

No one was happy about this development.

"Aiya," Jiang Cheng murmured, his arms crossed as he watched Wei Wuxian excitedly skip in the direction of Lan Wangji. "Look at him! He was on the brink of death just minutes ago, how come he's just managed to muster so much energy?"

"They do say that in the face of a friend, when one is in pain, in its place a newfound strength is discovered," said Lan Xichen loftily. "I suppose this applies to Young Master Wei."

Wei Wuxian excitedly snuck around the small woodland of bamboo shoots, creeping behind Lan Wangji, whose back was exposed to the air.

"Lan Zhaaaaaaaaaaan!" was all the warning everyone got before Wei Wuxian leapt into the air and fell headfirst into the lake with a great splash.

"You!" In this split second, Lan Wangji had somehow clothed himself, grabbed his sword and located the new arrival, to the confusion and admiration of Wei Wuxian. "Wei Ying...?"

"The one and only, ahaha," said Wei Wuxian heartily, struggling to stand as he pushed his soaking wet hair out of his face. "Lan Zhan, I bet you're really surprised to see me, aren't you?"

"..." Lan Wangji exasperatedly pinched the space between his eyebrows. "Boring."

"Boring? Is that all you know how to say?" Wei Wuxian pouted, heaving his clothing-anchored legs across the pool until he was facing Lan Wangji. "Give me a smile! You'd look much nicer!"

Lan Wangji sent him an unimpressed look.

"Okay, then don't..." Wei Wuxian pulled his clothes tighter over himself, as if that would disperse the bitter chill of the cold air and icy waters. "It's so cold here...Lan Zhan, I'm gonna freeze!"

Lan Wangji huffed under his breath before reaching for the edge of the pool and grabbing one of his dry inner robes off the side. "Here," he offered. "I'll ask Xiongzhang to bring us some clothes."

"Oh..." Wei Wuxian's cheeks turned pink at the unexpected action. "Thank you..."

"Mn," said Lan Wangji. A silence befell the pair shortly after.

"So, Lan Zhan..." Wei Wuxian muttered, glancing up through his eyelashes. "About your uncle—"

"I apologise," said Lan Wangji, quickly turning away. "I did not intend for you to get involved."

"No, that's not what I mean...I just wanted to know, why didn't you tell your Uncle about me? Why didn't you intend for me to be involved?"

"I..." Lan Wangji blinked slowly, small white specs of frost piling up like a blanket on his long eyelashes. "I don't know myself..."

"You don't know?" Wei Wuxian frowned. "...Are you perhaps aware that guilt is more of a punishment for me? Did you intend to—"

"No," denied Lan Wangji quickly. "Would never. I just...didn't want to see Wei Ying hurt."

A fuzzy feeling blossomed within Wei Wuxian's stomach and he felt the remains of his body heat rush to his cheeks. "Oh," is all he said.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian began. "I was thinking, I—" a gasp escaped his throat and all of a sudden, he was pulled underneath the water by an unknown force from below.

Lan Wangji reached for Wei Wuxian at the last second, and thankfully, managed to get a grip on a slither of fabric—

—and he, too, fell prey to the depths of the water.

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