Chapter 27:

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I stay with Raven until she falls asleep, which isn't long, her breakdown caused by the vicious video sparring it.

I gently grab a hold of her much too skinny frame, where she lays, head leant back against the side of the bed, and take her into a bridal carry, manoeuvring her so that she's laying in the bed.

I gently pull the black duvet over her and softly kiss her on the forehead before I leave.

She looks peaceful, despite the evidence of the two previous attacks present on her face.

I just hope that with time, when the bruises heal, she'll never have have to endure more marks placed onto her body. The world has treated her too unfairly, and I want to change it, I want to make her life better.

I know that all of us were bullied as teenagers, and I know how much it hurts to be pushed away by your peers, and forced into solitude, I don't want that for her anymore. And I know that I can't physically stop the bullying at school, but I can give her someone to vent to, someone to be there for her.

As I turn to leave I shut off her light, the dark from the evening sky enveloping her room.

I make my descent down to the basement, and the second that I arrive I see everyone turn to look at me, worried expressions on their faces.

They don't know what's happened, and I should tell them, that video needs to come down, and the kids who have done this need to have consequences.

Their is literal physical video proof.

"Is she okay?" Gerard asks worriedly, as I walk over to him and place myself next to him on the sofa.

"She's okay now, but we need to call the school" I state, feeling the anger start to rise inside of me.

I'm not even a particularly angry person, not by any means, but this has upset me, pushed me to the edge.

Raven doesn't fucking deserve any of this.

"On the school website, someone's hacked it" I speak again, sensing the discomfort in the room; nobody knows the situation yet, so I'm going to have to break the news.

"The video of her getting attacked is up" I speak, and I hear a chorus of gasps, and watch as Gerards face turns to anger.

"So that's why she was upset?" He asks, whispering more to himself than me, bu I still nod in turn.

"She couldn't handle the video, she had another breakdown Gee" I speak sadly. "Why do these things keep happening to her, it's not fucking fair"

"I know it's not fair Mikes, but I'm getting those kids fucking excluded, or I'm going to the police. Fuck this. They can't just fucking torment her like this" Gerard speaks, anger rising in his voice as he reaches for his phone and flips it out, dialling the schools number.

Although it's dark out, it can only be about 6pm, staff are usually their until 6.30, so hopefully those little shits can get the justice that they deserve.

Gerard puts the phone on speaker phone as it begins to ring, and me and Frank exchange glances; we need this to go well.

"Hello?" A voice questions, coming from the phone.

Cancer//adopted by my chemical romance Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang