Chapter 12:

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My eyes snapped open, my body felt heavy, and I ached all over.

My vision was blurred, I could barely make out anything, apart from being Present, sprawled across someone's lap, in the outer side of a busy street.

I felt my breathing hitch, my voice getting caught in my chest.

I couldn't make out the face of the person holding me, but felt myself stare straight into what must've been their eyes.

Am I being kidnapped?

I felt myself spur into a tighter panic, my chest falling into the state of a panic attack; a bad one at that.

I heard the person holding me starting to shush me, stroking my hair, but all I could think of was that he was doing it to preserve himself, to not get himself caught.

What seemed like mere seconds later, I hear a conversation, but I seemed to completely zone out of it, I could barely concentrate on anything, my head felt like it was submerged under a pool of water.

The other person is here to take me away, I just know it.

It's my fathers doing, he's moving me away from the people that I have grown to care about.

My breathing picks up and my chest is screaming at me with every fitful breath that I take.

I feel myself being moved into the other persons arms, and soon enough I'm forced into the back of a random car.

My vision blurs, forcing me to the edge of consciousness.

"Raven, it's Frank, it's okay, please look at me?" I recognise a sympathetic voice ring into my ears.

Frank, Frank, but where is he?

I crane my head up from where I'm being held in someone's arms to see Frank.

It was Frank, Frank had been holding me.

I then turn to see whose driving the vehicle; Ray.

I can't believe I had thought that Ray had been trying to hurt me.

My breathing calms as I turn back to look at Frank, and feel myself clutching onto his shirt tighter as my brain recalls the vents from earlier, and why I ended up running out in front of what must've been rays car.

I feel the tears starting to come, and I can't seem to stop myself as I ended up fully sobbing into Franks chest, as he runs his hands through my hair trying to reassure me.

His presence helps, but I don't think I could stop crying right now even if I was surrounded by all the guys, the overwhelming sadness crashing over me at a collosal rate.


I had stopped crying eventually, and had apologised to Frank.

However, I hadn't crawled out of his lap, and had instead remained sat in his lap, my head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

I'm surprised he hadn't complained about my fat ass crushing him.

The car came to a stop, and I turned to see that we were at a house.

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