grim reaper || nineteen

Comenzar desde el principio

"Three more Peter, you're doing great."

"Please don't tell May I ran face first into gas or she will cook for me again."

"She already knows." 

"What?" Before Peter could realise what that meant the connection went flat and he was back in full-time Spidey duties brain, his body contorting to be able to fling himself through a small window, the shots aimed primarily at Kyungsoo being horrific backing music but Peter knew that the innocent people needed him. 

"Uh hi? It's your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man! I can carry you one at time but I promise I'll get you out!" Before any of them could protest Peter just went on with going back and forth, checking each time if they were stable. Peter's exit to safety with the people had his eyes trained back to the taller who was beginning to show exhaustion, plant pieces scattered around him from his attempts to block gunshots.  

Kyungsoo wasn't going to admit that he was faltering with his movements and stability, but being shot at really tires one out. As padded feet landed next to him behind his little plant barrier that he found he could do after flinching from a gunshot to the shoulder that skimmed him, the smallest cuts always hurt the most, he looked up with tired eyes.

"How do you do this? Regularly too? I have a new found awe in your stamina and positive mindset." Peter just looked at him with a head tilt, his emotionless suit eyes squinting as he saw blood on the boys limbs. "Don't worry Petey, you should see them!"

"I did, they look pretty healthy compared to you."

"Shock me." Kyungsoo would moan about Peter's little comment later when he can be bothered to throw the boy around.

"Excuse me?" Peter had no idea if he heard the innocent smile in front of him correctly, but the pure determination in his eyes was enough for him to realise he was being serious, "No thank you."

"Peter do it."

"I said no." Kyungsoo just punched the stubborn boy in the gut, knowing his punch would feel like nothing to the boy with superhuman strength and the ability to heal like a starfish. 

"What the hell Yoo?"

"Shock me bitch."

"Fuck you." And with that Kyungsoo was successful in his attempts, his noted mentally that physicality made Peter succumb to his wild ideas. His idea exactly, absorb the electricity from Peter's suit and hope if he spills some water at their feet he could electrocute them enough for Peter to swing in and use those cool martial art skills he gained somehow with no training. 

"Trust me enough for that Parker?"

"I never trust you." 

"I would never cheat on you, look at you, lil cutie." Peter just sent waves of electricity through the boy again with his shock webs, not wanting to feed the boys endless teasing and rather just shut him up and do whatever absurd plan he said he'd do. 

"Understood. Now web that fire hydrant off please and thank you." Peter poked his head out to see the hydrant, just to be fired at as the the hydra agents found where they were hiding. 

"I think I got it, kind of panicked." As Peter said that the sounds of fast jets of water could be heard, Kyungsoo remembered what he could do at London, though that was by his instincts rather than his actual brain power. 

flower boy || peter parkerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora