hydra shenanigans || eighteen

Start from the beginning

The indistinct chatter started to resemble real words as the two skidded to halt, immediately Kyungsoo marched towards Jae, dragging him with hush questions of whether he got Peter's tracking info. The boy had no real fighting experience, just fleeing, but for Peter he'd shoot 'beanstalks' through as many ribcages as possible. 

Hi ignored parents, just stood stiffly, hardly seeing one another as is. The both prepared work and only came out of hiding when it was serious like this, as they were at risk themselves too. Kyungsoo took a device from Jae's hands, "A man named Happy, interesting name, said 'doing anything weird and he will end you' not sure but I'd listen to him kiddo." 

Kyungsoo didn't know what to say, a embrace was all he could think of, he knew he could trust his brother, no questions asked, just pure trust and love between the. All three of them had been through too much to give up on one another. Kyungsoo headed back towards the front door, the quicker he got out the quicker he could help Peter, or even see that he's alive. 

"Yoo Kyungsoo, sit down."

"Mother not right now please."

"Kyungsoo, this damages the whole family, you will stay until it's discussed. We will have to leave again because of you, so the least you could do is sit down."

"I didn't ask for this, it's just a friend is possibly in a life threatening situation because of Hydra-" Kyungsoo faltered at the damaging words, Eric who just soothed out his nerves looked to reach, but Kyungsoo had already succumbed to blaming himself again. 

"Because of you."

"Father, that's harsh, Kyungsoo wouldn't do any of this purposefully."

"I think it's time we stop sheltering him, Jae. You are his older brother I understand, but we might as well never buy a house if we constantly leave. We no longer have Tony Stark to secure us job relocating-"

"There must be a way father, Happy used to work for Mr Stark personally we can-"

"I don't want to move. I finally have a place. God I even some how got a boyfriend in this whole crappy situation and we have to move, probably to like the arctic at that." Kyungsoo's clutch tightened on the device that buzzed with the knowledge of Peter's where abouts. Each word his parent's spoke striking him like lightening, however the kid was a 'freak' so the sensation just fuelled up his powers, like Hulk, the angrier he got the closer he was to losing it all. This constant blame not making it better as emotions were mixing and he couldn't let it out by punching his father, that would be rude. The world around him was visibly swirling from he exposure and extortion of power.

"We have to, Kyunggie, you know it can't be helped. We don't, Eric and I, hold none of this against you. I'm sure Peter would understand the situation" It was slowly dawning all 3 of the brothers that this was incredibly serious, another relocating would commence for the family, this time more heart breaking as they had found comfort in their Midtown location. Jaehyun had a job he genuinely liked and found solace in his brother's feeling like they had a place that they could call a home. Eric was doing his best at University, juggling it and his hobby of cooking, one that his parent's frowned upon as it wasn't 'a real career path', but he loved it and he loved cooking for his university friends and introducing them into flavours he grasped from each move. He had people other than Jae and Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo, well Kyungsoo had issues still but he had friends, though not the favourite people of the school, he was achieving well in sports and academics and he scored the cute guy he would admire when he wore a blue jumper over his shirts to school, though then he was watching him watch Liz.

"Kyungsoo, the quicker you sit down the quicker this process will be, do you understand son? We will ignore the fact you went against the rules of finding a girl- partner, you know that is strictly forbidden, it creates issues like this. We will discuss it in depth when we move. We have the next location already, that's always planned ahead." In a way that answer was admirable, Kyungsoo just came out to his parents and they didn't shout at him for having an interest in men.

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