Stella & The Secret

Start from the beginning

I nervously take Isaiah back in my arms and try to calm him down. "It's okay, it's okay." I say in a calming voice. "My mom said he should fall asleep in about an hour."

"Great, smooth sailing from there then right?"

I shrug, "I hope so."

I head out to the living room with Isaiah and take a seat on the couch. "You're not crying anymore. That's a relief." I say more to myself as he stares back at me. He smiles as his little hand reaches for me, pulling on a loose strand of my hair.

I pick up the tv remote and turn it on to some kids' channel, hoping to distract him. It works as he stares up at the tv in silence as he sat beside me on the couch. "Perfect." I mumble.

Julius enters the living room just as I stand up from the couch. "Can you watch him while I go brush my teeth?" He nods as he nears the couch and I begin to walk toward the hall.

Isaiah notices and begins crying at my departure. "No no, she will be back." Julius cooed as he picks up the fussy baby. I chuckle before speed walking to the bathroom to quickly freshen up.

When I returned Isaiah has stopped crying and was drinking from a bottle while sitting on Julius's lap. It was an adorable sight as the two watched tv together.

"So you were able to tame him?" I ask in surprise as I walk into the living room. Julius nods, "I figured that's why he was so eager to put the remote in his mouth. He was hungry."

"Well so am I, what's for breakfast?" I ask as I take a seat beside him.

"You're lucky I adore you." He says as he stands up from his seat, placing Isaiah on my lap. I smirk as he heads toward the kitchen to make something for us to eat.

Isaiah and I relaxed on the couch until his bottle finally ran out. "Isn't there something you do to babies after they eat?" I ask.

"You gotta make him burp." Julius calls back.

I quirk my brow, "Burp?"

"Yes, pat his back until he burps."

I look down at Isaiah, before turning him around and patting his back softly. "Nothings happening." I tell Julius after a few minutes.

He walks into the living room with a plate of pancakes and eggs. He hands it to me before taking Isaiah and resting him on his shoulder. "Like this." He says as he takes a seat and behind gently patting Isaiah's back while he rested.

"How do you know how to do all this baby stuff?" I ask as I take a bite of my food.

"I remember watching them take care of Penny when she was a baby. I was like 7 though but I spent a lot of time with them."

I hear a small burp come from Isaiah and I smile. "Well, you'll make a great parent one day." Isaiah's eyes begin to close as he starts drifting off to sleep on Julius's chest.

"Do you want kids Stella?" Julius asks randomly.

"What?" I ask in shock.

"Not necessarily with me, just in general. Have you ever pictured yourself having kids?"

I was silent for a moment, not at all sure of my answer. "I don't know. I'm not completely against the idea, but I also don't know if I'm for it either." I look at him, "Do you?"

He nods, "I've always wanted kids. Lots of them. Mainly boys, maybe like one girl."

I chuckle, "Why all boys?"

He shrugs, "I just imagine it being fun. I didn't have siblings so seeing all my boys together would just be a nice sight."

I smile at him, "That's sweet."

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