Chapter 1 - Game Over

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Spinel's thoughts made her lost the game and want to be with her friend, Pink Diamond on her new colony, Earth.
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Somewhere in space, float a big piece of rock with a Homeworld-Designed building on it. It was a garden, or at least it used to be. Instead of blooming Earth Plants, they were all dark and torn and decayed. Some plants are either dead or overgrown and the overgrown vines wrapped a single gem, standing like a statue in the garden.

The gem was in the middle of the garden, staring at the pyramid-like building with a warp pad on top in front of her. Her gem was a spinel, shaped like a heart but a little faded and less bright like the garden itself. She was patiently smiling in the dark atmosphere, waiting.

She was standing there in the decayed garden, waiting for someone, Pink Diamond, her best and only friend. Spinel loves and trusts Pink Diamond dearly, how could she not? Pink Diamond is Spinel's best and only friend, more surprising cause she's a spinel and Pink is a diamond. Pink is sweet, excitable, lovable, and fun, almost just like her but better, Spinel thought.

So it's likely that she'll do anything whatever Pink Diamond commands to her, whatever game Pink wants to play, anything that makes her happy, and smile which Spinel is after, the smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter.

"Spinel? Let's play a game, I'll show you how it's done. Here in the garden, stand very still."

It sounded innocent, it sounded sweet, it sounded fun! And those were the last words she heard from Pink Diamond, and she's still waiting with a weak smile on her face to have Pink see Spinel is still that cheery spinel Pink knows and loves.

It has been so long since Spinel last saw Pink, but that was nothing to Spinel and all she knows now is that she was playing a game with her and she will not lose. For her, for Pink, for her Diamond.

She doesn't care how long the game will last as long as it makes Pink Diamond happy, she doesn't care how unappealing their garden looks now, she doesn't care that her feet are kind if starting to hurt a bit, all she cares about for is Pink. And she will play the game with like Pink says and wanted.

Hope is still lingering in her figurative heart, no matter how many doubts spiraled in her mind. She trusted Pink, she's her friend, she's a Diamond and now has her first colony! Spinel was so happy for Pink after the other Diamonds announce that they'll be giving Pink her very own planet, Earth! Spinel was of course excited, it was a brand new place to play. And even better with her best friend.

She just has to finish this game first, by standing still. When does it end though? Until Pink comes back, Spinel remembered of course, right? That's what she remembered. It's being so long though, how long does Pink have to play this game? Spinel is starting to miss her friend even from the start. If only she can just come back soon right now. It's starting to get a bit boring and lonely in this game she's playing.

But of course, with her obliviousness, Spinel thought Pink is taking so long to come back because she was just to test how great Spinel is at playing this Standing Still game, she could even do it while standing on her head! She's determined she'll be a tough nut to crack when losing this game, just for Pink.

Maybe she's just busy with her colonizing stuff which is why... She's... Taking so long... Or maybe, possibly, a very long delay? But it's been ages! Pink must have a break sometime, right? Is being a Diamond really that busy? What if there's too much work and she can't come back? Should I come and help? But what if she comes back, she'll be disappointed and sad when she sees me lose, right? I don't want to see Pink disappointed and sad! This game must've meant a lot to her since we're playing it after receiving her first colony after all like we're celebrating or something. So, I will not lose, I'll keep playing for her.

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