3) Calm Before The Storm

147 13 25

Tw: Underaged drinking

I just arrived to my condo. It was rather large for a condo. I threw my keys on the kicthen counter. I liked living by myself, I didn't have to deal with other people. I went over to my couch and flopped down onto it.

I heard "merow" and felt some little feet walk on my stomach. "Hi patches," I cooed. I got patches a few years ago and she's been my baby ever since.

The kitty let out a pur. "I know baby, Momma is in this awful dress. I'm going to get changed." I petted her for a few more minutes then went to my room to change.

I laid some ripped jeans, a shirt that hugged my chest, a black leather jacket, fingerless gloves, and some white shoes on my bed.

I grabbed a towel and headed for the shower. God my lungs still stung from the smoke I had been forced to inhale earlier. I stepped out of my dress, and took off my undergarments. I made sure that the water from the shower head was at a comfortable temperature before stepping in.

The room quickly filled with steam. Normally if I had to torture someone before I killed them, and blood would litter my clothes and skin. It was nice to not scrub blood off my skin.

After I finsihed bathing my self I turned off the water, and wrapper my towel around my body.

"Ah yes time for the next hour of me getting ready." I chuckled to myself.


The streets were busy, cars were driving by honking at each other. I was walking down the street to meet with Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. I was getting drinks for us.

I opened the door and heard the bell ring, signaling that there has been someone who had entered or exited.

I grabbed a bottle of wine, rum, and a case of beer. I grabbed my fake ID and shoved it in my jacket pocket. I grabbed my phone and messaged our groupchat.

I don't see why Wilbur
can't buy the drinks
I mean he's of age,
and The rest of us aren't

Bossy Soot
I know, but you're closer to the
liquor store than I am

Stop complaining and hurry
up :P

Ignore Tommy, yeah why can't Will do it?
I mean he is older than all of us

LMAO Tubbo called Will old

The phone buzzed in my hands again, but the person in front of me had already left. I set the bottles onto the counter and grabbed my wallet.

The cashier asked for my ID, and I gave them the cash. After the bottles were in their bags, I started to head over to Wilbur's.

There was someone who was walking behind me. I didn't notice at first because there were many people walking down the street, but after 2 or 3 of the same turns I started to notice him.

If he was following me, I didn't want to lead him anywhere that could potentially be bad for me or my friends, so I started to walk to the pizza shop nearby. The man continued to follow me. I pulled out my phone and called Tommy.

"Hey Tommy" I headed inside the pizza shop and into the ladies restroom. "What's up?" The male asked. "Could you come get me? There's someone following me, and I don't know what to do." I made sure no one was in the restroom to overhear my conversation. "I'll send Wilbur over, he looks a more intimidating. Is that okay?" Tommy sounded worried. "Anything will work, hurry please." I kept myself calm.

I walked outside of the pizzeria, still on the phone with Tommy, and waited for someone to come help me. The man that was following me was standing outside the building.

"Tommy he's still here," I whispered. "Okay, okay just talk to me like a normal person." Tommy sighed. "Uh, how are you?" I chuckled awkwardly. "I'm doing fucking fantastic. I have a friend who called me because their being followed or some shit. I don't know I wasn't paying attention." The male commented. I let out a giggle. "Yeah? I probably wouldn't pay attention either. Like if my friend was in trouble I wouldn't really 'attempt' to get them." I said sarcastically.

"Hey! Anyways Will should he there any minute," Tommy said. I nodded even though he couldn't hear me. I turned towards the man that was following to see that he had his phone pointed towards me.

That's it. I've had enough.

I ended the call with Tommy and walked over to the male. "Excuse me sir can I help you?" I smiled innocently. He didn't seem affected by the fact that I had caught him.

"I suggest you watch your words." His voice was calm and cool, though his words meant otherwise. "Oh my bad, I'm just a tad pissed off because of some fucking creep is following me, filming me, and is now acting like my mother." My voice sounded very passive agressive.

"You want to continue talking that way?" The male had a smug look on his face. "I can speak however I damn want!" I took a breath and made myself calm down. "Please stop following me, and filming me, it would be greatly appreciated." I growled.

The man standing before me looked around my age. He had a lightly freckled face, pastel green eyes, and dirty blond hair. God I wanted to slit his throat and stain his green hoodie.

I took the bag that was filled with alcohol and walked towards Wilbur's place.

I was about halfway there when I ran into Wilbur. "Are you okay?" He grabbed my shoulders looking for any injuries that may be on my face. "I'm fine, just pissed off." My tone was sharp.

"Hey at least you're okay," Wilbut took the bag from your hands. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go watch some movies." I smiled, earsing the earlier events from my mind.


"Oh my God! She died!!" Tubbo was crying. We were watching a said movie, we were also very drunk. "That bitch deserved it!" Tommy was also crying. "She shouldn't have died like that!" I was looking up so my tears didn't ruin my make up. "I think that she should've died earlier on." Wilbur sipped some more wine.

"IF SHE DIED EARLIER IT WOULD'VE BEEN EXPECTED! THEREFORE MAKING IT NOT A GOOD MOVIE!" Tommy yelled at Wilbur making me and Tubbo laugh. "Yeah but it would've been better than her dying with cancer next to her husband!" Wilbur was wiping his eyes. "Tubbboooooooo I'm saddd!" I leaned against Tubbo was we watched the ending of the movie. "I'm sad toooo," Tubbo leaned back against me.

When the end credits started to roll, it was around 11pm. "Well guys, I think we learned something," I stood up and began to stretch. "Yeah not to get fucking cancer and married." Tommy joked. "That, and, me and Tubbo are emotional drunks," Tubbo nodded.

"Well hopefully our hangover isn't bad. See you tomorrow!" I hugged the boys goodbye and called an uber. "Yeah, also stay safe. You don't have the best luck when you're alone." Tommy said to me before I left. I nodded my thanks and went to the uber.

The ride was quiet and quick. When I arrive at my home, I paid the person and got out.

After I was in my house I headed straight to my room. "Meow?" Patched whined after I fell onto the bed. "Sorry baby," I cooed. Patches curled up against me. "Aww want some food?" I smiled as I began to pet her head.

I dragged myself out of the comfortable bed, and went to the kitchen to get patches her food.

After she was nice and fed, I went back to my cozy bed and fell asleep.

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