7) Netflix and wine

137 13 30

(Not proof read)

"You still owe me a tour," I got out the car and stretched. "I guess I do, let's start it shall we?" Dream motioned towards the elevator that more than likely led to the office and entrance to the building.

At the receptionist desk there was a rather tall young lad. "Oh hey Dream," the younger greeted. "Hey Ranboo, this is or new intern." Dream introduced. "I'm not new to the job," I rolled my eyes. I held out my hand to ranboo. "Hello, I guess I an the new intern and I'm being forced to work her for the next few months." I smiled. "Oh hey, I'm Ranboo, and I just started working here not to long ago." Ranboo shot a nervous glance at the older male.

"I'm sorry, but how fucking tall are you?" I asked peering up towards the male. " 6'6," He said nervously. "Jesus that awesome!" I tried to keep amazement out of my voice.

"Let's carry on," Dream led me throughout the building.


After the tour was finsihed, I was once again tired. We were sitting in his office. I was sitting lady-like, even though I hated sitting that way. "I want you to assassinate [some random guy]. He's been trying to steal some of my weapons, and I don't exactly appreciate it." Dream sat behind his desk.

"Okay just tell me where to meet him and I'll get It done." I stifled a yawn. "There's a catch." Dream said. I let out an annoyed groan. "I want you to do it with me." He announced. "So like an apprentice?" I asked. "Yeah, but I'm also trying to prevent you from doing successfully." The masked male told me.

"Okay, is that all?" I asked feeling another wave of tiredness fall onto me. "Yeah?" He seemed puzzled. "Okay let's go, I'm tired." I stood up and stretched.

I followed him to his car. It was different than the other car. "My God, how many cars do you have?" I asked, getting into the passenger side. "Enough, " He responded.

"Why will you be trying to prevent me from killing this guy?" I asked. "Because it seems like a fun thing for me to do." He answered.

"You suck," I leaned against the window and was about to fall asleep. I felt a hand on my knee and jumped awake. "Don't touch me, please." I was so close to falling asleep. "Sorry, but you can't fall asleep just yet," He apologized. "How do you even see through that," I asked rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. "Don't worry about it, anyways where do you live." Dream chuckled.

"POGCHAMP 420," I was still exhausted, walking up from my short slumber just kept draining my energy.

Though I was seconds from going into slumber, I needed to get him to get emotionally attached to me. I don't know why he's treating me like this, but I need to use this to my advantage.


Apparently I fell asleep because Dream is shaking me awake. "Are we here?" I groaned. Already knowing the answer, I get of the car. "Why don't you come in, and get a drink?" I offered.

"I'm fine," Dream said plainly. "Oh come on, you came all the way out here. I cause you some trouble, and I offering to make it up for it." I took his hand leading him to the condo. "If you insist." He said plainly.

I unlocked the door to be greeted by meowing. "Hey baby girl," I cooed as I scooped up the kitten into my hands. "Did Mr. ChildInnit feed you?" I look to her food bowl to see a little bit of food left in it. "Ah he did," I set her down and she goes to Dream.

"What's her name?" He leans down to the patches to pet her. "Patches, huh that's weird." Patches normally doesn't like any one besides me. When she first met Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo, she hissed at them and refused to be in the same room as them until she got used to them.

"What's wrong?" he asked, watching me get wine glasses. "You're the second person Patches has ever liked immediately. You seem like a man who likes wine," I said grabbing a bottle of wine from the bar.

Dream probably shot me a dirty look, but I couldn't tell from his mask. "Aren't you underage?" He asked as I poured wine into the glass.

"Yes, but, I also kill people for a living so I'm not exactly your average citizen." I pass the glass to him. "I guess you have a point." He barely lifted up the mask to expose his mouth, and took a sip.

"Why do you wear the mask? Are you ugly and self conscious about it? Or are you just being 'quirky' " I questioned. The male let out a light laugh. "I have it to protect my identity." He responds.

"Yeah, you're probably just ugly as fuck." I joke, taking another sip of the wine. "Sure, sure, whatever makes you happy." Dream scoffs.

"I would ask if you want to stay, but based on your attire, I assume that you would want to go back." I motion towards his suit.

"I would be willing to stay. But you're correct, this isn't something I would exactly chill in." He smirked. "Jesus stop sounding like William Shakespeare, but modern." I tease.

"I probably have some of my friends sweats here. I don't know if they would fit, but if you want stay just tell me." I offer. "I guess I have a few hours to spare." The male set the now empty glass on the counter and checked his watch.

"Okay let me go get them." I went into my room. I quickly changed into some comfortable clothes and brought Dream the clothes I had promised him.

"Here you go," I toss the clothes to him, "There's a bathroom down the hall." I motion towards the hall. He nods and enters the bathroom.

"Patches you trader," I grab the cat and pet it. "You can't be all over the first man I try to seduce." I coo into the kitten's ear.

Dream enters the room and sits on the couch. "What kind of movie are we feeling?" I ask turning on Netflix. "I don't really care, how about Umbrella Academy?" He suggests. "Alrighty, Umbrella Academy it is." I say. Patches leaves my lap and lands into Dream's.

"Trader," I hiss at the kitten. It earns a giggle from Dream.

The show begins and I feel myself start to drift off to sleep. I genuinely do like this show, I was just too tired to stay awake.

Before slipping into full unconsciousness, I shift around until I finally feel comfortable.

I didn't really care about anything right now, I just wanted to rest.

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