Birthday dinner

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Once the three of them could walk they cleaned up and got dressed for the day. Steve had to rush out, grabbing a power bar to take with him, giving Elena a quick kiss and Bucky a hug telling them he'd see them later. He hated to rush out, but he was late for his training session with the SHIELD recruits. A first for him, but Elena observed he didn't seem to mind.

Over the last few days she had noticed that Steve was more relaxed and happier. It made her happy to see him this way. It also made her slightly sad because she was worried about how he would be after tomorrow. Tonight was supposed to be their last night together. In the back of her mind, Elena had been thinking of how it would be if Steve really was with her and Bucky.

Not for just sex, but for always.

Then she felt guilty knowing that wasn't what Bucky would want. He loved Steve as a brother and seemed to be content briefly sharing her with him, but what she was now wanting could break them apart. So she shoved it down. Determined to enjoy what little time she had left with both men.

Since Bucky was home early they spent the rest of the morning together. They spent their time lounging in their apartment cuddling while watching movies. Around noon Natasha, Wanda and Pepper stole her away for lunch and some birthday pampering. Elena was happy to take off for some girl time. It had been too long since they'd all had time off together. Definitely wanting to get in all the gossip they could until next time.

When they got back to the Compound Elena felt fantastic. Her entire body had been waxed, buffed and massaged into relaxation.


She looked herself over in the full length mirror hanging up in their walk-in closet that evening. Her waist length hair was flowing down her back in soft loose curls. Tonight she kept her makeup simple but glamorous with a soft smokey eye and some lipstick that matched the color of her dress.

The dress? It was gorgeous. Elena had it custom made to fit her. It was an exact copy of Ava Gardner's black dress from 1945. She had made a couple of changes that were more to her taste and height.

One was the color. Instead of the original black, it was a deep burgundy red to compliment her coloring. The other thing she changed was the length of the dress. Elena was four inches shorter than Eva had been and even with heels she'd have tripped on the hem. Thank God for tailors.

Bucky knocked and called through the bedroom door. "Dragă, are you almost done? Tony let me know the food people are set up and ready for us."

She put her lip stick down calling out.  "Coming!" She fluffed her hair one more time and slipped her heels on as she headed out the door.

Smiling when she saw Buck was fussing with his tie while he waited for her. He looked up as he heard the bedroom door open, his hands stilling as his eyes widened and his mouth parted.

Elena spins in a slow circle for him to get a full look. He smiles at her. "Doll, you look fucking gorgeous!" She blushes at the compliment.

"40's fashion looks good on you." Bucky says with a wink as she walks over to him.

She smirks up at him. "That's not all from the 40s that looks good on me."

His eyes darken at her comment and smiles that sexy smile that lets Elena know he's thinking dirty thoughts about her. Holding out his elbow for her to take so he can escort her down to the dining room to join the others, she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow and they headed out to meet everyone. As they walked into the dining room everyone called out. "Happy birthday!"

They walked over so she could give hugs and exclaim over Natasha, Pepper and Wanda's dresses.Thor, Steve, Sam, Rhodey, Peter and Bruce were all very handsome in their suits. While Tony, being the diva he is, was wearing a tux. "Well, well, Marilyn. You're looking mighty fine tonight."

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