Kingsley sat in front of her, noticing her slight anxiety towards all the new people.

She was never really good at being sociable.

"They are all very nice" he whispered over to her as she took a deep breath and nodded.

"So Willow dear, are you excited for your first day at the ministry on Monday?" Molly Weasley beamed, causing willow's head to snap up to her and away from the charming man at the end of the table.

"Um actually, I'm not going" she mumbled awkwardly, sending a cautious look across to Kingsley who nodded for her to continue with a small smile, "Uncle Kingsley was actually going to ask if I could um-"

"Uncle...Kingsley?" Sirius questioned in slight shock as they both nodded, "Your related?"

"Well no, not really, but he's still the only family I've got" she shrugged, Kingsley's grateful smile going unnoticed as she focused her attention on Sirius who was nodding slowly in understanding.

"Go on...what was he going to ask?" Molly continued pleasantly.

"Oh...yeah, he was going ask if I know, stay here?" She stated slowly, sending Sirius a slightly pleading look, yet seeing his eyes shine slightly, causing some confusion but brushing it off quickly, "You know...just for while whilst the missions start and everything- I just don't want to be at home on my own for days on end and-"

"Yes...yeah of course" he nodded quickly with a straight lipped smile, "Not a problem"

"Oh..." she was slightly taken back at his instant agreement, "well if I'm being honest I had a slight speech prepared...I was expecting more resistance"

The table fell into small chuckles along with him as he cocked his head to the side slightly with glistening eyes.

"Well as much as I'd love to here that probably very well rehearsed speech, I could use the company, I can't leave this house anyway" he shrugged, resting his fore arms on the table and leaning forward, eyebrows raised in expectancy.

"Thankyou" she breathed in relief causing him to chuckle again and pat her hand that was resting against the table.

"Not a problem love"

His touch caused another slight blush to flush her cheeks until feeling a kick under the table and snapping her eyes up to Kingsley's stern gaze.

"Don't you dare" he mouthed with wide eyes as she lifted her hands up in fake innocence, a small smirk quirking at her lips as she sent him a wink.

He rolled his eyes at her smug look and continued chatting to Arthur.

He knew she was very forward when it came to men. She always had been. If she wanted something, she usually got it.

"So who did you say was coming later?" She asked Sirius who was taking a sip from of his goblet.

"Oh..." he swallowed quickly to talk and wiped his bottom lip with his thumb at the slight drip of liquid that ran down.

Her curious look dropped in awe, eyes relaxing as she watched his movements as if in slow motions.

"Moony, an old friend of mine" he nodded as she let out a small couch from the back of her throat and quirked her lips into a faked smile.

Looking down at the table in her own bafflement.

She didn't really go for older men...well, apart from this one time where she had a crush on one of her teachers back in Hogwarts.

But that surely passed.

"What's moony like that?" She chuckled at the nickname, assuming that wasn't actually the mans name.

"Boring" he smirked, "he will send you to sleep with some story about books"

"Well it's a good job I've got you here to entertain me then isn't it Black?" She smiled sweetly as he looked up from his food in slight shock, swallowing hard and nodding slowly as they made rather intense eye contact for a while before falling back into their dinner and trying to ignore Kingsley disapproving shake of the head.

She was just trying to wind her Uncle up, she didn't actually fancy the man sat next to her, but she did find her gaze drifting to him every now and then, admiring his slight dimple and booming laughter.

An hour or so passed and she and Sirius had fallen into a rather interesting conversation about the muggle band AC/DC.

Apparently spending days on end cooped in a house caused Sirius to explore his rather deprived music sense.


"Ah...that must be Moony" Sirius stated, craning his head to the door as his friend walked in and brushed his cardigan down, looking around the room pleasantly with polite nods to the members before his eyes fell on the new head, her back to him.

"Moony! Meet Willow...Kingsley's...niece...kind of" he stated in confusion.

"Let's meet the bore then" She chuckled, resting her hand on the back of her chair and twisting her body round, her features of amusement dropping as she met the eyes she hadn't seen in over three years.

"Willow..." he breathed in amazement, his smile as beautiful as she remembered, eyes bright as he looked down at her swallowing hard, taking in his handsome appearance.

"P-proffessor Lupin" she choked out eventually, voice hoarse and dry.

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