Just a little bit of Black magic

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Josie's pov:

Josie was sitting in her bedroom, feeling stressed. She had a lot going through her head. She couldn't help but think about the dream she had about Hope. Josie felt bad about how she was feeling recently. She was still feeling broken hearted about Penelope, but not as much as she thought she would; and she was still feeling upset about Hope calling her a friend. If Josie was going to be completely honest, she was confused. Josie felt like everything was overwhelming at the moment, and usually when Josie was overwhelmed she would get angry. Josie took a deep breath before standing up and heading out of her room. Once she got to the main doors, she opened them and headed out until she bumped into Alysia Chang. Josie noticed she looked upset, so she decided to ask her what was wrong. After a short conversation, Josie had agreed to do a spell with Alysia. The only trouble being that they would have to use black magic. Josie wasn't to bothered, but she knew she would have to try and find an excuse to give Lizzie. 

Josie headed up to her room, while Alysia gathered all the things they would need. They then set everything up and sat down facing each other. They linked hands and began chanting the spell. It took a few seconds, but eventually it started to work. Pictures started flashing in front of Josie and Alysia's face's. Until they eventually broke the spell. Alysia smiled "Thanks for helping me find my boyfriend. At least now I know where he is, I can go find him". Josie stood up, balancing herself. She felt sick and dizzy. But on the plus side, she wasn't feeling as frustrated anymore; as she had used all her energy on the spell. She left Alysia's room and headed back to hers. When she got there, she laid on her bed. She chanted a spell to lock the door and closed her eyes, hoping that the feeling would subside. 

(time skip)

Josie woke up at about 5.30pm. She had missed her last 2 classes, but wasn't feeling as sick anymore. Sitting up, she yawned before she heard banging on her door. standing up, she quickly answered the door. Finding a pissed off Lizzie and an equally pissed off or slightly concerned Hope. Josie went and sat back down on her bed, Lizzie slammed the door, not taking her eyes of Josie in the process. Hope was right behind her "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING JOSIE! BLACK MAGIC! REALLY!". Josie Shrugged "Please don't tell dad". Lizzie sat next to Josie "I won't tell dad, but you know you shouldn't be doing black magic. Who did you even do it with?" Josie was quiet for a second before finally speaking up "Alysia Chang". Josie was too busy talking to Lizzie to notice Hope slip out the door. After talking to Lizzie a bit more. Josie decided to go find Hope, as she had now noticed she was gone. Josie stood up and left the room, hugging Lizzie along the way.

Hope's Pov:

Hope was sitting in class, bored. She already knew everything about todays lesson, and she was missing Josie. Hope wasn't alone however, as she was sharing a class with Lizzie. Hope and Lizzie were partnered up together to do a practical, when Lizzie suddenly stood up and ran out the room. Hope excused herself and followed Lizzie to the girls bathroom, where she heard Lizzie throwing up in the stalls. Hope waited outside until Lizzie came out. "Hope Mikaelson. Taken to stalking me instead of my sister?" Hope went slightly red, thinking Josie must have told her. but she continued with her task at hand "No actually, I was coming to check on you. That was pretty sudden". Lizzie turned around and looked at Hope, "It's a twin thing". Hope raised her eyebrow slightly concerned "Is Josie ill?" Lizzie shook her head "Nope, Just using black magic. Without me!". Hope felt her blood run cold "We need to go to her, now". Hope knows she sounded demanding but she didn't care. She needed to get to Josie and see if she was ok. 

Hope and Lizzie went back to class, explaining to the teacher that Lizzie was sick; and Hope was going to take her to her room. the teacher was reluctant, but let them go. Hope followed Lizzie out the classroom and down the hall's to the twins room. Lizzie tried opening the door, but Josie must have put a spell on it. Lizzie could siphon it, but she couldn't be bothered. Still feeling slightly drained because of Josie. She instead took to banging on the door. It opened almost immediately, revealing a sleepy looking Josie. Hope thought she looked cute. But right now, boning Josie Saltzman was the last thing she was thinking about. She was instead concerned about Josie using black magic. Once they were inside the room, Lizzie started yelling at Josie. But after about 5 minutes she calmed down and sat next to her. Hope wanted to know if Josie had used black magic alone or with someone. Her answer came soon after as she heard Lizzie ask Josie if anyone had helped her. Everything was quiet for a second, until Josie spoke up. Once Hope heard who Josie has done black magic with, she snuck out the door. Making a b line straight for the girls room. Without even knocking she walked in, seeing her sitting on her bed. Hope started chanting. Lifting her hand, and Alysia along with it. Hope looked at her evilly, before she began talking "So black magic with Josie. Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" Hope dropped her hand, letting Alysia fall to the floor. Once she was on the floor, Hope walked over to her "If you ever ask Josie to do black magic again, regardless of if she offers or not; I will not hesitate to get you booted from this school. Josie is off limits". Once Hope had done talking, she left Alysia on her floor. Heading back towards the twins room to double check on Josie.

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