Touch her again

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Josie's pov:

Josie was heading towards the woods with some boy she didn't even know, and she was too drunk to care. They walked a little way in until the party was out of sight. Once the light from the party was gone, they stopped by a tree. It was dark and Josie could barely see. She stumbled a little bit before grabbing the tree for support. Josie looked up when she felt arms wrap around her waist. She squirmed a little, feeling uncomfortable. But she didn't know what to do. She felt herself get turned around and Pushed up against the tree. She felt the hands of the boy roaming her body, down her chest around her thighs. She squeezed them together as she felt his hand move further up and his lips touch her neck. Josie suddenly felt the need to leave and pushed and tried to push the boy away, but he was stronger than she was and he pulled her back. returning her to her previous position. Josie then tried to Do a spell to push him back, but had realised that she had used all her power and had forgot to siphon some before she left. Josie then tried to siphon from him. |But was to drunk to think clearly, and was put off as the boys breath was hot on her neck. She could smell the mix of alcohol from both of them. Josie took a deep breath then tried to speak. But the words came out slurred, and the boy wasn't listening, Josie was crying and was powerless against him. She stood trembling as he tried once again to reach between her thighs. But before he made contact with her body, Josie heard a sickening crunch; and the cried of pain from the boy. she heard a girls voice, but she couldn't make out who it was as everything was spinning; and the boy kept whining on the floor. She tried to see what had happened and who the female voice belonged to but it was too dark. She slid down the tree into a sitting Position, when she heard footprints above her. She couldn't see who it was, but she could see bright gold eyes shining at her; and she could smell a familiar scent. The scent of perfume that had carried her home a few nights before. Josie tried to stand up, but was unsuccessful. The alcohol now fully hitting her system. Instead, Josie Closed her eyes. The last thing she remembered was being scooped up into someone's arms.

(Next morning)

Josie woke in her bed, feeling her head pound and a weight at the bottom of her bed. Sitting up, She looked around waiting for her eyes to adjust to the harsh light. Once her eyes came into focus, she looked at the bottom of the bed. Seeing Hope curled up asleep, almost like a puppy. Josie smiled, despite the confusion as to why Hope was there. But she chose not to wake her.  Feeling like her head was going to explode, she tried to remember something about last night. But she couldn't. She remembered nothing, except seeing Penelope kissing another girl. Josie felt her chest tighten at the memory. She looked on her nightstand at the photo of her and Penelope, when she noticed a bottle of water and some painkillers with a little note 


Take these painkillers and drink the water, then go for breakfast if you wake up before me xoxo hope

(end note)

Josie smiled before taking the painkillers and climbing out of bed. She grabbed a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a random top, before throwing them on in the bathroom and heading downstairs. Once she got to the canteen, she saw half the students looking hungover. She walked over to the food line, before finally grabbing some pancakes. Josie didn't really have an appetite right now, but she knew it would help. Josie went and took a seat at her usual table when she saw someone sit across from her. Josie looked up and froze, the memories of last night flashing back. She remembered the woods, and the crunch of something and.... The boy. The boy who had tried it on with her last night. 

Hope's Pov:

Hope was stalking through the woods like a predator looking for prey. She had lost sight of Josie and the boy at the Edge of the woods, when that stupid Landon kid walked up to her. Seemingly more drunk than last time. She had pushed past him, but had lost sight of Josie and the boy in doing so. Hope could usually track Josie using her scent, but at the moment all she could smell was the alcohol and drugs from the party. Hope cursed at herself, while heading further into the woods. Hoping to come across them. Hope stopped when she found herself at a clearing , She had took the wrong turn. Turning back, she walked back down the path but still nothing. Hope then had an idea. She walked further away from the party, until she couldn't hear it. She then stood silently. Listening for any signs of movement. Her listening wasn't as good as a vampires, but was still quite good considering her wolf senses. 

At first everything was quiet. But as she followed the path further away from the party and closer to the lake, she finally picked up on something. It sounded like crying. Hope stood for a second in silence, listening to what direction it was coming from. It was only faint, but she could tell it was coming from down the trail to the left of her. Hope was instantly alert now, and began running as fast as she could in the direction of the sound. It was pitch black, but considering Hope was part wolf she could see no problem. She ran, dodging all the tree branches sticking out the trail until finally she stumbled across two people. Hope instantly knew one of them was Josie, it was like she could sense it. She stood hiding behind a tree, observing the situation. She watched as Josie pushed the boy off of her, and how he forced himself back onto her. She was about to intervene when she saw Josie's hand glow red. She must have been trying to siphon from him. But when that didn't work and his hands headed between Josie's thighs. She snapped. All Hope could see was red. She grabbed his arm, pulling it behind his back and snapping it in half. Growling, she shouted at him "TOUCH HER AGAIN!" as she stood in front of Josie, watching him writhe in Pain on the floor. Hope looked at him. Growling once more, before hearing small sobs coming from behind her. Turning around, she picked Josie up. Once Josie was in her arms, she blacked out. Hope Carried her back to her room, careful not to shake her about too much.

(Next morning)

Hope woke up and saw Josie's bed empty. She looked on the nightstand, where she had left Josie a note, a bottle of water and 2 painkillers. She noted that the painkillers were gone and smiled to herself. That's my girl. She stood up and streched, before heading back to her room to quickly change. She then headed down to the cafeteria, hoping she would run into Josie along the way. Hope arrived at the cafeteria, and began scanning it for Josie. It wasn't long until her eyes fell on the Brunette, and the boy from last night. The thoughts of last night running through Hope's head. She lifted her hand and began chanting. She thought the boy must have a death wish.

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