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Josie's Pov:

Josie turned around, spotting Hope behind her. She smiled shyly, greeting her before turning back around and trying to re-focus. But now that Hope was there she couldn't. It was as if Hope messed with her ability to concentrate. Josie eventually gave up, turning to Hope who was now sitting next to her. "Do you have to stare, It's distracting". Josie watched as Hope slightly blushed, then looked away. Josie was quiet for a second before she turned to Hope, "Hope, I have something to ask you". 

Josie watched as Hope's face turned to her, showing her undivided attention "Sure Jo what's up?" Josie took a deep breath and began speaking. "Ever since I was young, I sometimes get a feeling I'm being watched. It's usually when I'm alone, but just recently it has been more intense. Almost like I'm being stalked by a animal looking for prey. It's not a bad feeling, I find it comforting sometimes. But recently every time I feel it.... You appear. So I guess what I'm trying to ask is, Have you been following me?". 

Josie sat quiet as Hope's face flushed red, and she seemed to go off in her own world. Josie was slightly worried, thinking that she had made a mistake asking. When Hope spoke up, she seemed different. Almost timid like, she had backed into herself "I... If I had, would that be a problem to you?". Josie stayed quiet, thinking a minute before talking again "No, it wouldn't be a problem. I just have one more thing to ask you though". Josie watched as Hope kept her eyes on her. Hope nodded and swallowed thickly "Sure". Josie steadied herself again, before asking. "The other night, I came out here. I was reading and must have fallen asleep or something, but when I woke up I was back in my room. I don't remember how I got there, But I remember someone carrying me. was it you?". 

Josie looked at Hope expectantly, but Hope just stared at her. Josie felt the feeling of being watched wash over her, and then there was a slight breeze that blew and Josie instantly recognized the smell of perfume it was carrying. Smiling lightly, Josie Looked down "It was you. I have that feeling right now while your looking at me, and your perfume. I smelt it the night I got carried home". Josie watched as Hope stood up and headed away from her into the woods. Josie immediately panicked, thinking she had crossed the line and stood up. Running to catch up with her before grabbing her arm "Hope, I'm sorry if I crossed a line or if I was wrong. I know maybe you think that I'm weird-" Before Josie could finish talking, she felt Hope pull her into a Hug. before speaking gently "I don't think your weird Josie, You were right. It was Me, Its been Me since we were 14". Josie pulled away, looking deep into Hope's eye's, She was telling the truth. Taking a deep breath, Josie asked one more question "Why?"

Hope's pov:

Hope was sitting next to Josie and couldn't stop looking at her. Everything about her was perfect. Hope was unaware how long she had been staring, but it must have been a while as Josie turned to her. Hope listened as Josie spoke and was surprised by her word's "Your distracting me". Hope thought quietly to herself for a second, wondering why she was distracting Josie. But she decided not to overthink it. Instead, Hope looked away, blushing lightly. Hope was just sitting quietly, when Josie spoke again. Hope looked at her as she asked if she could ask her a question. Hope was curious as to what it could be, but was not expecting what came out of Josie's mouth next. Hope sat in stunned silence for a minute, trying to process Josie's question. Josie had asked if she had been following her. Once she had fully processed the question she took a deep breath, feeling anxious about what she was about to say. Not sure if she wanted to answer. Hope blushed , her cheeks a crimson red and stumbled over her words as she practically admitted that she had been watching Josie. Once she had spoken, she kept her eyes firmly on Josie. Hoping she hadn't made her uncomfortable. Hope felt tense, the silence between both the girls felt like it had lasted an eternity; until Josie spoke again, telling her she had one more question. Hope took a deep breath, waiting to hear what Josie had to ask. Once again Josie asked Hope a difficult question. Hope was unsure what she was meant to say, and was overwhelmed by emotion at the moment. Instead she just stared at Josie, hoping she would change the subject. Instead, Josie's face fell into a small smile "It was you". Hope sat until Josie finished her sentence, before standing up. She felt like she had to leave, she began walking away. until she felt a hand wrap around her arm. Hope stood motionless as Josie spoke softly, apologizing for something; but Hope wasn't listening. Instead she pulled Josie into a hug. She had wanted to do this for a long time, and for some reason it just felt right to her. Hope took a deep breath, before she began talking just as gently as Josie had spoken to her. To calm Josie down, Hope decided to put herself on the line and ended up admitting everything. After that, Josie pulled away and stared into her eyes. Hope felt like leaning in and kissing her, but chose against it; considering what she had just admitted. They stayed looking at each other for a short while, until Josie once again spoke and all she asked was "why?".

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