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Josie's Pov:

After Hope left, all Josie wanted to do was follow her and make sure she was okay. But she knew that right now, maybe giving Hope some space would help. Josie was bought out of her thoughts by Penelope "Do you think I'd Look cute in this Jo?". Josie looked at Penelope who was holding up a skirt and white blouse. Josie raised her eyebrow before speaking "Of course, you look cute in anything, but why are you trying to look cute again? I'm already your girlfriend". Josie smirked and Penelope smiled back "True, but it's for the party tomorrow night". Josie raised her eyebrow again "Party?". Josie couldn't recall Penelope ever mentioning it to her, but didn't think into it "Am I invited to this party?". Josie stood walking up to Penelope, who nodded at her "Of course you are Jo". Josie smiled before brushing Past Penelope. She then turned and began whispering in her ear "Guess I'll see you tomorrow then". With that, she left a quiet Penelope in the middle of her room. 

(Time skip)

Josie was looking through her drawers for an outfit. She finally Decided on a black jumpsuit that she knew showed her legs and a pair of black flats. once she got her outfit, she went and showered. Josie walked out of the bathroom with a towel around her. Minding her own business, when she heard a voice that made her jump "Wow, finally, its not like I've been asking around for you or anything". Josie looked up at Lizzie standing in front of her "Sorry Lizzie, I should have told you that I was with Penelope all day yesterday". Lizzie just shrugged "It's fine Jo, don't worry about it. to be honest, I should have known; and I did spend last night in someone else's room". Josie Smiled before walking over to her bed and picking her clothes up, before proceeding to put them on. All the while engaging with Lizzie about what she was going to wear. because of course, Lizzie already knew about the Party. 

Once Josie was ready. She looked at Lizzie who was just finishing putting her lipstick on. The twins then linked arms, before heading out into the Hallway and towards the mill. When they got there, Josie could see the party was already in full swing. There were witches doing spells everywhere, wolves betting on who was the most athletic; and Vampires just conversing or drunk. Josie smiled, looking around until her eyes fell on Penelope. She was across the party from Josie, but she wasn't alone, she had some witch hanging off her arm.

 This pissed Josie off. Lizzie had already headed to meet MG at the drinks table, leaving Josie alone. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to Penelope and the girl she was with. Before pushing the girl out the way, and taking her rightful place next to her girlfriend. The girl just scoffed at Josie before walking off. Once the girl was gone, she turned to Penelope "Really! We've been together like 2 days and your already looking at other girls?". Josie watched as Penelope stumbled forward wrapping her arms around her waist. Josie could smell the alcohol on her breath as she spoke "Aw Jo Jo, you don't have to worry, there's plenty of me to go around". Josie pushed Penelope off her as she tried to kiss her, before heading to the drinks table. She didn't find Lizzie or MG, but she did find vodka. Pouring out three shots, she took them all in a row; one after the other. Ignoring the burning sensation, she then saw the Bourbon and poured herself a cup, not bothering to add coke. Right now, Josie was too pissed off with Penelope to care. After a few more shots with one of the Wolves, Josie had once again found Penelope. But this time, she was French kissing with some girl. Feeling hurt and drunk, Josie wandered back to the table; planning to go from drunk to smashed. She then spotted the same wolf she was doing shots with before and headed over to him. Once she got to him Josie poured out more shots, taking them almost instantaneously. She noticed him look at her and then he leant down to her ear "Do you want to come for a walk in the woods?" Josie was too drunk to say no, so just complied as he grabbed her hand and began to walk towards said woods.

Hopes pov:

Hope had over heard that there was a Party tonight in the corridors, but she knew she wouldn't be invited. Not that it bothered her because she didn't like party's anyway. Wandering down the hall, she thought back to yesterday evening when she caught Josie; half naked with Penelope. Something deep down in Hope had a bad feeling about the raven haired witch, but she assumed it was just because She had Josie. Hope was walking back to her room, past the twins room when she heard Josie speaking through the half open door. Standing behind the door so she wasn't caught, she eavesdropped the twins' conversation about the Party. Once Hope had established that Josie would be attending, Hope decided she would go too; Invited or not, Just so she could look out for Josie. She never trusted the Party's here, mostly because it was a bunch of powerful super naturals who's standards and control would be lowered by alcohol and drugs. 

Once Hope got back to her room, she started looking for an outfit. She finally decided on a red blouse type shirt and Light Blue skinny jeans. Hope wasn't to interested in looking good as she hated attracting attention unless it was Josie's. Once she had her outfit out, she headed for a shower. 

(time skip)

Hope was now dressed and had put on some light make up and  done her hair. Not too smart but just enough so she fits in with everyone else. Hope checked the time and began heading down to the Mill. She knew that Lizzie liked to make a entrance so she would most likely turn up about an hour late and no doubt Josie would have waited for her. Once Hope reached the party It was already in full swing, There were drunk students everywhere and the smell of alcohol and drugs were in the air. Hope scrunched her nose up a bit when she was approached by a drunk curly haired boy. His breath smelled strongly of spirits as he spoke to Her "Your hot, you know, I never see you at Party's, guess it's my Lucky night". He was slurring his words, clearly intoxicated. Hope rolled her eyes at him before answering him and walking off  "Tonight's not your lucky night and tomorrow don't look to good either". Once Hope was away from the boy, she headed over to the other side of the party staying on the outside so she could observe what was going on. She scanned the crowd for Josie, finally spotting her. Hope Smiled she expected Josie would look hot, she just wasn't aware how hot she would actually look. What Hope didn't expect to see however was her push Penelope away. Hope Raised her eyebrow, watching as Josie walked away from Penelope seeming angry.  Hope followed her, but at a distance so she wasn't spotted before watching her pour and down 3 shots of vodka. Hope's mouth dropped open as she whispered to herself "Damn, Saltzman, you trying to die". Someone must have heard her as another girl spoke "Did you say something to me?" Hope looked at her and shook her head "No sorry, I was just talking to myself". The girl shrugged and stumbled past Hope before vomiting into a bush. Hope looked away, gagging herself. She then looked up at the drinks table and had noticed Josie was no longer there. Panic set in as Hope couldn't spot her. Walking a bit further into the crowd she spotted Penelope With her tongue in another girls mouth. Hope instantly felt anger run through her veins, how could she do that to Josie? but Hope also didn't want to admit that she was slightly happy, seeing it as she knew Penelope and Josie would break up. Hope continued searching for Josie, until she found her over by the drinks table again. She watched as Josie took another bunch of shots. Hope was instantly on guard as some boy kept inching closer to her. She could see how drunk Josie was. She then watched as the same boy dipped his head whispering something in her ear, before grabbing her hand and heading towards the woods. Hope felt the need to protect Josie rise in her and immediately followed them.

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