26 - Darkness on the Edge of Town

Start from the beginning

"Yes, yes. Y...Y...You're right. You're right," Mr Gold said.

"So, you say you're banished. Who banished you and why?" Cruella asked.

"I bet it was his little maid or his daughter. Is that why we're here? Because of them?" Ursula asked.

"I'm here for the same reason you are... My happy ending and that is the truth and what that is? Well... That's my business, just like your reasons are yours. All of that we seek is just beyond that line. So please, if you think you can find your way in this town and... And face all that... That light magic without my help, then be my guest. But if you can just trust me... You won't just get inside Storybrooke, you'll be invited," Mr Gold said.

"Like the people of Storybrooke are gonna invite us in with you by our side," Ursula said.

Mr Gold grabbed his cane and stood up, "Yes, they will, dearie, because I won't be on your side," Mr Gold said.

Cruella put her gun down, "Alright, start talking," Cruella said.

Inside Storybrooke...

Inside Granny's diner, Amy walked out of the bathroom and saw Killian brooding in a corner.

"Whoa. Beware a lurking pirate," Amy walked up to him and he looked at her, "What are you doing?" Amy asked.

"Just thinking," Killian said.

"Whoa," Amy lightly wrapped her arms around his shoulders, "Lurking and brooding. That's a classic combo. I think heroes can do a little bit of bragging and celebrating, not every day we villains do good, enjoy it before it's ripped from you, love," Killian placed his hand and hook on her waist, "Come on. Let's go. It's a party. We should... Buckle some swash of, you know, whatever... They got rum," Amy said.

"I'm hardly a hero. The fairies were only in the hat because I put them in there," Killian said.

"You weren't in control of that. That was... That was my papa. Trust me, I've been around enough heroes to know you have a mark in the hero column... Or maybe the heroed-villain column, it's lonely it's just me and Gina," Amy said.

"Are you trying to cheer me up?" Killian asked with a small smile.

"Yes... Is it working?" Amy asked.

"Aye, love, it's working," Killian said.

"Then I'm doing my job right as your wife... Come on, it's a party," Amy said as she took his hand and led him into the diner.

Alana and Neal were stood with Henry, Calla, Regina and Emma all looking at Mother Superior.

"You know, when she came out of the box I didn't think we'd just stand and stare at her," Alana looked at Neal, "She must think we're weird," Alana said.

"You are weird," Emma said.

"I learn from the best, dear sister of mine," Alana said.

"Come on, mom. Ask," Henry said.

"It won't hurt Regina," Emma said.

Regina nodded and Regina, Calla and Henry walked up to Mother Superior, "Excuse me. May I ask you something?" Regina asked.

Neal and Alana looked at each other, "Drink?" Neal asked.

"Yes, please," Alana said and they walked away from Emma, to the counter.

"Two please Granny," Neal said.

Granny handed them their drinks, "How's everything going with you two?" Granny asked.

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