The next page has a picture of a house. You don't recognize the house and there's no address written anywhere. The third and final page has the picture of a car. You didn't really know cars all that well so you couldn't say what kind of car it was, but it was bright orange. Your only other clue was the letter Z written on the back. Or it could be a sideways N, but it's probably a Z.

        You have no idea what this person is trying to tell you through these pictures. Were you supposed to solve this case for them? Was a family member of theirs one of the victims? But if they had really wanted you to solve it why hadn't they included crime scene photos or possible suspects? You let out a huge sigh. Suddenly you hear the front door click. You hesitate not sure if it's a trap or something. Soon you gain the courage to open the door.

        You exit the room and see nothing out of the ordinary. You try knocking on the room across from yours, but you get no answer. You begin walking down the hallway trying every door you get to.

        Behind one door you can hear shuffling of some kind. You try the handle, but like the rest of the doors it's locked. The shuffling on the inside has stopped. You hesitate before knocking.

        "Hello, is someone in there?" you ask. Suddenly there's lots of grunting and you hear a loud crash. You hear a very muffled version of your name emanating from the person inside. You finally recognize the voice.

        "Spencer? Is that you?" you hear more grunting of approval. "Do you have something covering your mouth? Are you tied up?" You realize he has no way of answering if his mouth really is covered, so you stop asking questions.

        "I have an idea. Make any sound once for yes and twice for no. Do you understand?" He makes a single grunt. "Okay, good good. Um also you can do three if you don't know or if it's complicated. Okay. Do you know what's going on?"

        He makes three grunts.

        "Do you know who's doing this?"

        One grunt. Good okay. That's good right?

        "Um okay. Is it a man or a woman? Wait no, are they a man?"

        Two grunts.

        "Is she a woman you know personally?"

        One grunt.

        "Is she a woman I know personally?"

        Two grunts. Well that sucks. That could be a whole lot of people. You can't think of anymore questions about the woman doing this to you so you change the subject.

        "Are you tied up?"


        "Can you move at all?"


        "Are you tied to something?"


        "A chair?"

        Yes. You sigh.

        "Spence don't freak out, but I'm going to leave for a little while to look around some more, okay?"

        He hesitates before responding yes. You reluctantly walk away. You're trying every door, when suddenly you find one with a key on the floor in front of it. The key goes to the door and you slowly open it. You see a lamp swinging towards your head and you're just barely able to dodge. You roll forward and stand facing your attacker. Your attacker happens to be a surprised Rossi.

        "Y/N...I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else," he apologizes dropping the lamp. You didn't really care that he had almost hit you. You were just relieved to see another member of your team. A smile spreads across your face as you step forward and give Rossi a hug. He pats your back and you both separate.

        "Come on," you say guiding Rossi to the door. "We have to figure out a way out of here." Soon you're in the hallway checking the last few doors.

        "Y/N, what's going on?"

        "I don't really know, but I talked to Spencer earlier and-"

        "Wait, you talked to Spencer? Why isn't he with you now?"

        "Well when I say talk I mean I talked to him while he was held captive in one of the locked rooms."


        "Anyway, he said that he knows the one doing this, but I don't. Maybe you know who's doing it too. Come on let's go back to Spencer," you say as you jiggle the last handle. Soon you're both standing in front of the room Spencer is being held in.

        "Spencer, you still in there?" you ask. For a couple seconds you hear nothing. Your heart rate rises. "Spence?" You hear a grunt on the other side of the door. You let out a sigh of relief.

Spencer's POV

        He was sitting upright again. She had sat him up. Now she was standing behind him pointing a gun at his head. He was shaking.

        "Spence?" he hears you ask on the outside. He finally let's out a sound.

        "I found Rossi." Reid's spirit rises, but quickly shrinks again when he hears the gun behind his head being cocked. He feels a tear run down his face.

        "Hey, kiddo. Don't worry we're going to get you out of there. Are you doing alright in there?" Rossi asks like a father speaking to his son. Reid almost lets out a sob when he feels the gun poke the back of his head. He grunts hoping you can't hear the shaking in his voice. He can hear you and Rossi quietly discussing something.

        "Reid does Rossi know who the one doing this to us is?"

        Two grunts. It was the truth and she let him say the truth.

        "Are they a criminal?" Rossi asks. She quietly walks in front of Reid. She wants to see how he'll answer. After a few seconds he lets out three grunts.

        "Okay, well we're going to try the other floors. We'll be back. Promise," you say and he can hear you and Rossi walk away. She's smiling at Reid now. She was amused by his answer. She straightens up and walks to the door. She unlocks it and slowly looks out into the hallway. She opens the door fully and smiles back at Reid. It was almost a sweet smile. One he missed, but then he remembered what she was doing to them and he closed his eyes not wanting to look at her anymore. He hears the door close and opens his eyes again. She's gone and he lets out a sigh. The team was going to figure this out. He knew you were. He holds on to hope as they clock continues to tick, the sound slowly annoying him more and more. After a little while he was able to fall asleep and dream of reuniting with the team and leaving this god awful hotel.

A/N: Heyo, sorry this one is short, but I thought it would be best if I put the story out in shorter bursts so the suspense would be stronger. Anyway, do you have any guesses on who the unsub might be? Let me know if you have any feedback. :)

You and Her (Emily Prentiss x Fem.Reader) [ORIGINAL]Where stories live. Discover now