Chapter 14

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POV Reader

I just sat down in the library and would also like to use the time to do something useful for school. But I can't get Shirabu out of my head, he was probably all nervous and had the courage to ask me if we wanted to go out for ice cream. And then it got ruined. Sighing, I take out my phone and text him that I'll wait for him after school and we can go to the ice cream parlor together. I hope Tendou doesn't notice, he will certainly be pissed off again.  I'm afraid he's going to hurt me again. He is kind of clingy. It would be nice if he would give me more space. Concentrated, I look again at the current topic in math. Math is not my strong point and I am really struggling to get ahead. I am so engrossed in the book that I don't even notice how someone sits down in front of me. Not until I hear a book being slammed down on the table. I am startled and look up. Tendou is looking at me with a dark look. "Are you okay?" I ask him as he flips through the book, annoyed. "You can't talk to other boys. Especially not if this one asks you out." He orders me. He can't be serious. Is he jealous or what? I'm at a loss, trying to think of the best way to respond. Unconsciously, I stare at him. He looks up from his book and begins to grin. "I'm sorry for freaking out like that. But Shirabu is no good for you. He's just taking advantage of you." I decide to just nod, not wanting to argue. My phone vibrates that I got a message. I take it out and open the chat between me and Shirabu, who replied that he was looking forward to meeting me. "Who texted you?" asks Tendou, reaching for my phone. I quickly hold it away. "My mom." I lie. He gives me a look that says he doesn't believe me. "If it's your mother, you can show me." I shake my head. This is my business. He doesn't need to read my messages. Again, he tries to reach for my phone. "Tendou, stop it. Those are my messages, it's none of your business." Afraid of his reaction, I look down to avoid looking at him. He sighs and leans back. "Alright. But there will be trouble if I find out you're texting with other guys." Again, I nod in response and put my phone back in my pocket. When I get home, I'll definitely set a password for my phone. Just to be on the safe side. "Do you need help with math?" I nod, "Yeah, I don't understand it." He suggests he could help me and pulls out his notebook. He rests his head on his hands and looks at me. "What exactly are you having trouble with?" I notice myself blushing a little, the way he's looking at me. I think it's- no, no. Forget it. I should get back to math. I pick out a task I can't solve and show it to Tendou. He gets out his pen and writes down the task and tells me some tricks on how to calculate the formula. He's really good at math. "Now try to solve the next task." I nod and focus on the task, following the tips Tendou just explained to me. And sure enough, I manage to solve the task without any mistakes. I grin, "Thanks for explaining it so well. Better than the teacher did." "No problem, if you need any help, feel free to contact me." I really didn't think he was that good at math. Now I know who can help me with math more often.


Yandere Tendou x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें