Chapter 7

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"Wait a minute!" I hear Tendou call behind me. I turn around: "Yeah?" "We should meet about Partner work. Why don't you come to my house?" "To your place? When?" "Now? Since we didn't get much done in class and the teacher will probably ask us tomorrow what we've done so far, I'd like to catch up today." He's got a point. Our teacher is pretty strict. I think about it for a moment, because I don't know if I would feel comfortable going to him. "I don't know. I mean, sure, you're right, he'll probably get pissed off, but-" "I'll take that as a yes. Come on." He pulls me along by the hand. I had no other choice. No matter what I would have said, he would have pulled me along. A jealous volleyball player clinging to people, I suppose. "You're just dragging me along! I wanted to go to lunch first, do my homework, and then change my clothes." "You can do that at my place too, fine, you can't change, but you can when you leave again." I sigh. He has an excuse for everything. After a few minutes, we arrive at his house. We go into the house and I look around a bit. On a dresser is a picture. Tendou, when he was little, with his family, I suppose. I have to grin, he had a very different hairstyle then. "I was thinking of doing my hair the way it was then." He says as he walks over to me and points to the photo. "Go ahead and do that, it would look good." I really think so. "But I think the others would just make fun of me again. Just like back then." He mumbled the last sentence. I still understood what he was saying. "Who made fun of you back then? Seriously, let the others laugh all they want, they're just jealous anyway." Bullying is sick, the fact that he probably had to go through something like that makes me really aggressive. "Anyway, let's change the subject." His face shows a completely different expression than before, more depressed and battered. "If you want to talk, I'm here for you," I suggest to him. I want him to know he's not alone. He nods his thanks. Next, he accompanies me to his room and pulls out materials for the poster. "Should we just use a white poster?" He asks me, holding up the paper. "Sure. And (your favorite color) for the headline!" Laughing, he nods and pulls out the pens. I grab the paint and start writing down the heading for our topic. "I'll just grab something real quick." With that, he leaves the room. What is he going to get? Probably something for the poster. I am writing down the last few letters of the headline when I feel a hard blow on my head. The following blow penetrates very deep, I can not realize what happened. For this, I am not in control of my body and everything goes black. I don't know how long I was unconscious, but I slowly wake up again. Still confused as to what happened.


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